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Thanks so much for stopping by! I believe that everyone can have a beautiful home without spending a fortune! One of my favorite things to do is find creative ways to re-purpose things I already have on hand, or have picked up at yard sales and thrift stores. Join me as I share with you some of my favorite ideas for crafting and decorating, as well as travel adventures, and fun things that I pick up on my treasure hunts! Much of my work is influenced by my love all things French, nature, and of course shabby chic! I have gotten so many creative ideas from you very talented bloggers out there, and I hope that I can be an inspiration to you as well!

Saturday, March 12, 2016

Goodbye Sweet Friend

My heart is breaking as I write this.  Yesterday we had to make the terrible decision to say goodbye to our sweet little girl, our cocker spaniel, Katie.
Katie was our best friend, the brightest spot in our lives.  She was our child.
Wednesday we received the devastating diagnosis that she had a very accute severe form of anemia. The same type we lost our sweet cocker Emily to three years ago.
 We are crushed.  Katie was until Tuesday a happy, very healthy and active little girl. She was very energetic, and played just like a puppy.  Her mischievous ways always made us laugh.  
We brought her home as a little 8 week old ball of fluff.  She was just the cutest puppy ever.  She helped heal our hearts after losing Emily.
 She went everywhere with us.  Long walks each day, car rides, camping trips, trips to the beach, and boat rides. She was a constant companion, full of love and fun.
 We are beyond shocked.
We rushed her Wednesday to the animal hospital, where she ended up getting three blood transfusions.
Yesterday at 6am, we received a phone call that she had a blood clot on her brain.
We rushed to go see her, but by then, 2 hours later, were informed she had additional blood clots on her lungs and in her stomach.  They said there was nothing more they could do, and that most likely she wouldn't make it thru the day. That is when we made the very, very painful decision to end her suffering.
 There are no words to describe how devastated we are.
We miss our sweet Katie so very much, she meant the world to us.
Our hearts are hurting, and it feels that life will never be the same again.
 It is a huge loss, we are numb.
 We miss our baby.
To all that left such kind comments on my last post, I thank you for your support.
It means alot.  I am sorry I was not able to respond to you all, I am sure you understand.


Linda @ A La Carte said...

My heart is hurting for you. Katie is gone too soon for sure. That is just so much loss for you both in so few years. She was adorable. I am sending you hugs and much love.


Trisha said...


I am wiping the tears away as I read this. My heart is breaking for you and I can't even begin to imagine the pain you are going through. I am so sorry that sweet Katie is gone from this earth but I know that she is in heaven with her sister Emily and they are both watching over you. My love and prayers are with you during this time. Big hugs.


Jan Hermann said...

Hugs, Donna...Tears are streaming down my face, knowing what you are going through. It hurts so much to lose our little furry kids. And Katie was so young. You and I both have lost young ones...who one day were perfectly fine and healthy and the next we had to make the choice to let them go. I think that's the hardest thing to do...and yet, it's the best thing we CAN do for them. I'll be praying for all of you. ♥

Debby said...

When I read your title, I thought it couldn't be. I don't even know what to say. I feel so bad for you!. Such a sweet a beautiful companion. I am so sorry. Hugs

Ordinary J said...

Oh no, I don't know why this news makes me feel so sad all of a sudden. Life is too unpredictable... May Katie rest in peace. A beautiful dog she was.

Celestina Marie said...

Dear Donna, I can hardly see to type this as my eyes are filled with tears. I am so very sorry for your loss. I know Katie was everything to you and your hubby. It is beyond our understanding when things like this happen. I am so sad for you as I know this loss too well. I am praying for you. God Bless you with comfort in time. xo

Unknown said...

Thinking of you and yours. The loss of a family member is always hard.

peggy gatto said...

My heart breaks for you. theses special animals make your life a joy, beyond what you think, so sorry.

Butterfly 8)(8 Bungalow said...

I'm so sorry for your loss of Katie. xoxo Su

Rose L said...

Katie was a lovely fur baby. I know your hearts are aching for your baby. Not an easy thing to go through. I have been through it at least 20 times. I have had many fur loves in my life and am thankful for it. Hold on to those memories!


Que preciosa es tu perrita!!!!!!! besos

Susie said...

Donna, This post made me cry.. .I remember when you first got Katie...she was darn cute, it made me want a dog just like her. I hate that this has happened. But I know how hard this had to be...you did a brave thing to give her peace. Hugs to you and your husband. Blessings, xoxo,Susie

Debbie said...

Oh dear Donna...I am so very sorry for you and John's loss. As difficult as it was, you both made the right decision to let Katie go. I know there is nothing I can say to ease your pain....
I wish I lived closer.
I love you, sweet friend.

Tete said...

Donna, there are no words. I am so sorry- I know your loss is huge. Prayers for you both as you mourn her passing. Katie was such an amazing blessing when Emily left. You are such amazing parents and I know Katie loved you so much. She was so happy. I know you are so lost right now without her. She was your constant companion. That kind of loss hurts like no other. You are in my heart and prayers. I wish I could take away your pain. );

Cynthia said...

My dear friend, I cried when I read about Katie. I know how much you love her. My heart truly hurts for you. I wish I could give you a hug.

Take time to heal



Row homes and Cobblestones said...

I am late responding because yesterday I hosted a dinner party and didn't even go on line. Oh Donna I am crying as I write this. I recently on December 15th (our 37th anniversary) loss our beloved Max cat. Your loss, your sweet photos of Katie and your words filled with pain were felt my friend. You are so right, they are our children, for the heart only knows the amazing emotional power of love and doesn't care pet or person. When you all were in Florida I actually showed your post to John and said look at adorable Katie on vacation too. Donna the love you gave Katie and the love you received back in those brief years will be remembered and felt the rest of your life. I know my words are clumsy in this message but I'm sending my love and I am so sorry for your loss.

Unknown said...

I am so sorry for your loss....I have no words, only heartache.

Mary@mydogsmygardenandmary said...

Oh Donna, I am so very sorry. I am crying as I write a comment to you.
I loved Katie, even though I never met her - she was such a cutie and so loving. Just remember, this has helped me when I have lost my dogs - Katie will be waiting for you at the Rainbow Bridge - that is the only thing that kept me going.
Please go on line and read the Rainbow Bridge. Again, I am so very sorry - i know exactly how you feel.
Hugs dear friend.

Unknown said...

Dear Donna,
I am so very sorry for your terrible loss! I went through the same thing 4 years ago, and truly, I nearly went insane with grief. They ARE our children! I tell you this because I know what you must be going through! I also know how close you were to Katie. I have been praying very fervently for Katie since your last post telling us that you had to hospitalize her. I am so very sorry to hear the devastating news! I will continue to hold you in my thoughts and prayers.

The Polka Dot Closet said...

Oh nooooooo...I remember when your sweet Emily died suddenly and I was so happy when you got Katie, I loved seeing her pictures and you can see their personalities through pictures, Katie was a sweet fun loving little girl. I don't know what to say, to go through such a traumatic loss twice in 3 years, it really is not fair! Wow, I know you loved both of your girls I am so sorry


Bente said...

Oh noooo.I`m so very sorry for you both, Donna. I can`t find the right words now, my friend.
Sending you a big hug.

handmade by amalia said...

Oh, Donna! A big hug for you, dear friend. I well know the pain of losing a beloved pet.

Okio B Designs said...

So sorry to hear it. =(


Sherry@Back2Vintage said...

Oh, Donna.... I am so sorry!!! I am crying with you!

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