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Thanks so much for stopping by! I believe that everyone can have a beautiful home without spending a fortune! One of my favorite things to do is find creative ways to re-purpose things I already have on hand, or have picked up at yard sales and thrift stores. Join me as I share with you some of my favorite ideas for crafting and decorating, as well as travel adventures, and fun things that I pick up on my treasure hunts! Much of my work is influenced by my love all things French, nature, and of course shabby chic! I have gotten so many creative ideas from you very talented bloggers out there, and I hope that I can be an inspiration to you as well!
Showing posts with label weight loss. Show all posts
Showing posts with label weight loss. Show all posts

Friday, January 16, 2015

Less of Me!

Ever since I was a little girl, I've struggled with my weight.  I've never been one that you have to remind to eat!  Believe it or not, I went on my first diet when I was just 9 years old.  I know, sad but true.
I did manage to lose weight many times over the years, only to gain it back, and then some.  
And for the past several years, I really had been putting on the weight
(all of that stress eating!!), but never mustered up enough motivation to do anything about it.
I was miserable.  Not just with the way that I looked, but the way that I felt.
My knees started aching.  And I would get winded easily.  That made me mad!  I was way too young to feel that way!
Plus, my blood pressure and cholesterol were high.  I refused to go on medication for that.
Something needed to change, but I was in denial.  Sure, I knew I was overweight, but I never weighed myself, and stopped looking in the mirror.
The last straw came this past summer, after seeing pictures of myself, and then seeing photos of myself from 10 years ago.  I was shocked.  Not to mention very depressed.  That was a low moment to say the least.
I guess that is just what I needed to get me started.
So, since late last August, I have managed to lose over 29 pounds!
I snapped the below pic of myself today.
While I am by no means slim, I feel great!
I have so much more energy, and the best part is I never once felt deprived!
No, I'm afraid that there is no "magic pill" to lose weight!
I personally don't believe in diets.  In fact, I called it my "weight loss plan".
Just the word "diet" sounds painful to me!  And it implies something you go on, and then off.  Not something that you can maintain for the rest of your life.  Or that teaches you good habits that last a lifetime.

 The below pics are from our trip to Italy last June.  I am totally embarrassed to show them, but I wanted to keep it real!  I was so appalled when I saw them, I didn't show anyone, other than hubby, and I certainly didn't print them out and add to our photo album!
 I may have been smiling for the camera, but inside I was anything but happy.  I was just so mad at myself.  Here we were, on the Amalfi Coast, one of the most beautiful places we've been to in the world, and I was so ashamed of the way I looked and felt.
 I never want to fall back on my old bad habits.  This is the first time in years that I've managed to lose more than a pound or two,
So, I started watching my portions, and had to totally cut out my "trigger food" of potato chips!  I don't even want them in the house, I never could just have a few!  And I also cut way, way back on cheese, another weakness of mine.  No more non stop mindless snacking in front of the tv at night.  And no more nightly glasses of wine.  Wine now is just an occasional treat!  Boy, do I miss that!
 I also dusted off my treadmill and walk on it just about every day.  And I went from "wimpy" short little walks with our cocker spaniel Katie (where I got easily winded!), to long walks with her each day.
 I still would love to lose a few more pounds, but for now I am just so much happier with the way I feel!
I am amazed how much more energy I have, and I don't get winded!
And my outlook on life has vastly improved!
Thankfully I always loved healthy foods, so I am still eating plenty of fresh fruits and veggies, along with other good for you foods.  And I do allow myself little treats here and there.
I still am worried about the maintenance part.  I know this is something I will have to work at for the rest of my life.  I've never been one of those lucky people that is just naturally thin!
So, if I can do it, anyone can do it!!
Thanks so much for stopping by, have a great weekend!