Welcome to my blog!

Thanks so much for stopping by! I believe that everyone can have a beautiful home without spending a fortune! One of my favorite things to do is find creative ways to re-purpose things I already have on hand, or have picked up at yard sales and thrift stores. Join me as I share with you some of my favorite ideas for crafting and decorating, as well as travel adventures, and fun things that I pick up on my treasure hunts! Much of my work is influenced by my love all things French, nature, and of course shabby chic! I have gotten so many creative ideas from you very talented bloggers out there, and I hope that I can be an inspiration to you as well!
Showing posts with label craft ideas. Show all posts
Showing posts with label craft ideas. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Tea Cup Bird Feeder, and Puppy Goes Camping

Hi everyone, hope you are having a great week!
Today I wanted to show you the cutest little bird feeder, that I received a few weeks ago as a birthday gift from my sister.

 Isn't it charming?  She purchased it at a farmer's market, and it's fashioned from a tea cup and saucer that's been glued to a milk glass vase that's been turned upside down.  What a great idea, huh?! A heavy plastic stake came with it to support it.
 My sister knows that blue and white is my very favorite color combo, so I was thrilled  to put it in my garden!  I've placed it among some of my hostas, and sweet William that have just started blooming.
Aren't they gorgeous?
 Here's a closer look at the tea cup feeder.  I think it's such a fun idea, I would love to try my hand making a few!

 I think the birdies will enjoy it (if I can keep the squirrels out of it, that is!).
 My peonies finally bloomed, but most of them were in their glory last week, when we were away on a camping trip.  Phooey!  At least I was able to pick several blossoms today for a nice bouquet.
 Since I was in a pink mood this morning while snapping these shots, I thought I'd show you a close up of one of my spirea bushes that is in full bloom, and looking oh so pretty!
 Hot pink impatiences.  For some strange reason, they have hardly grown a bit since I planted them (two entire flats!) in early May.  At least the flowers are pretty!
 We spent last week camping in our motor home in Northern Michigan, along the shores of Lake Huron.  We were especially excited to take our Katie on her very first trip, and she had a blast!
Here she is at the beach that was just literally steps away from our campsite.
                                            Working on her tan with Daddy:)  
                (who was feeling rather camera shy, and insisted that his head not appear in these photos!)
 Where are my sunglasses when I need them?
 And here is a view of our campsite from our "back yard"!
 Taking a little break from the sun in the motor home!
 Camping can be exhausting for a little puppy!
 Nap time with lambie.  Night night!