Thursday, July 31, 2014

Summer Blooms

It's been a beautiful summer for the most part here in Michigan.
Sunny skies, warm days, and plenty of rain have my flowers looking happy!
Well, the weeds too, but they don't make me happy, haha!
 My purple coneflower are the prettiest they've been in years.  I've been picking bouquet after bouquet of them.  I used to cut them back in the fall, but I found that if I leave them standing, the birds  enjoy dining in their seeds all winter long.  And as a bonus, I end up with more flowers the next year!
 I also really love my black eyed Susans. They are so cheery, and have been blooming their hearts out!
 As you can see, this large bed is a bit on the wild side, but that's how I like it!  Not too groomed, just full and lush.
 Wait, what do we have here.................?
 Looks like "someone" has been busy munching on my hostas!
I have tons of hostas in our yard, and I had forgotten to reapply the deer repellant.  It is all natural and doesn't hurt the animals.  It really works, but it smells to high heaven!!
(think "rotten eggs".  ugh!!!)
 My zinnias are so pretty, and are blooming a bit earlier than normal.
 I saved their seeds from last year, along with my cosmos and marigold seeds.
 I wish you could see how large this lovely orange one is.  Believe it or not, it's much bigger than the palm of my hand!

 Another large hosta bed, along with more black eyed Susans.
 The black eyed Susans are so hardy, they tend to crowd everything else out!
 A little birdie "planted" this sunflower!
 Cheery and tall orange cosmos.  I've saved these seeds for the past several years.
You can't beat free flowers!
 What's blooming in your garden?


  1. Beautiful. I think the deer know what is good for them. On our local television channel there was a "cooking segment" about sauteing tender new Hosta sprouts in olive oil. According to what the chef said you can't get enough of them. Next spring we will try them and see for ourselves. Apparently they are only available in the spring. We shall see.

    I know you can eat pansies, but I could never take a bite of one of those little happy faces.

    Hugs ♥

  2. Your flowers are so pretty, Donna...I love the wild and free feeling of the coneflowers and black eyed-Susans...and zinnias are always my favorite. Naughty deer...those hostas must really be delicious to them!

  3. Hi Donna, Your flowers are gorgeous. All your blooms are so lush and green and full just like a french cottage garden. It really is a good year there in Michigan. I'm having my Hosta eaten by grasshoppers so we had to put down repellent for them too.
    Your Coneflowers are beautiful. I love the free flowing full garden style. Love your Black Eyed Susans
    and those Zinnias are amazing.

    Have a great weekend.

  4. Oh I can just imagine what beautiful bouquets you are making. I have hibiscus and magnolia trees in full bloom!


  5. Your flowers are gorgeous. I really need to plant zinnias next year. Naughty deer! We've been spared deer this year, but Mr. Ground hog has managed to find a way into our fort knox vegetable garden. Goodbye pumpkins, sunflowers and whatever else he discovered. Happy August!

  6. The same blooms here! Lots to make some pretty kitchen arrangements. Luckily NO deer here eating my hosta

  7. Blooms...beautiful Blooms! Thanks for the photos of your garden!


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