Thursday, July 24, 2014

My Faux Stone Patio

How is your week going?  I can't believe how quickly this summer is flying by! Next week will be August!  I really do love summer, I just wish that the days would go a bit slower!
You may have seen my faux stone patio in past posts.  You can read my original post, and how I turned an ugly concrete slab into a pretty painted patio here.
I first transformed it several years ago, and thanks to the elements, it was fading and needed to be redone.
So this spring when we were busy sprucing up our home and yard in order to get it ready to put on the market, I thought it would be the perfect time for a touch up.
This part of our yard is my very favorite.  We had the retaining wall and put in several years ago.
Oh, we also repainted the wood arbor this spring too.  Now that was a tedious job!
I originally was planning on just touching up my patio here and there, but once I got started, there just was no stopping me!  So, over the course of two days, I ended up repainted pretty much the entire thing.  Back breaking, yes.  But I was just having too much fun!
The best part?  I had all of the paint and the concrete sealer on hand, so it didn't cost my anything but time!!
Gotta love that!

 I must say that I am really pleased how it turned out!
My hostas are in their glory, and are so pretty.  Well, except for the ones that the deer decided to munch on!

 The back and sides of our yard are surrounded by woods.  I love all of the privacy, and watching the wildlife and birds we get as visitors.
 Here is a close up of my "stones".
 It was a really fun project!
 In a few days, I'll be sharing photos of what's blooming in other parts of the yard.
Thanks for visiting!


  1. Just think of the deer as natures way of helping you prune, and next year the plants will be more beautiful.


  2. Donna, I love all the work you have done this summer. You are right it is looking very pretty around your place. When you trim your hair or get hair out of your brush, put it near your plants...I think the deer smell the human smell and leave...but hey, don't book on this. LOL. Blessings, xoxo,Susie

  3. It looks so peaceful and serene. I would love to grab a good book, a drink and come pass the day away there!


  4. Your yard is lovely and the faux stones are amazing! I can't believe it's almost August myself!
    hugs, Linda

  5. Very pretty! I would put up with the deer to have the woods right there...I'm a nature lover! The faux stones look super!

    Jane xx

  6. When are you going to list your home? I like it back here. I could sit there all day! Hope you don't ache too long from all of that painting!

  7. Oh Donna, your patio is beautiful. You really did an outstanding job on the stones. I can see why it is your favorite place to sit and look at the lovely gardens. Any nibbles on the house? Did Katie help you?
    I'm off to Los Gatos to visit my son and granddaughter for my Bday Yea Yea Yea. Thanks so much for sharing.

  8. Your outdoor oasis is just beautiful. We have deer in our yard frequently, too, and they love my hostas. This year I sprayed them and that has helped.

  9. Absolutely gorgeous. A beautiful spot for respite. How are the open houses going?

  10. Hi Donna, your faux stone patio is beautiful. You did such a great job. Love this pretty part of your yard. Such an inviting spot to relax and enjoy the day. Looking forward to seeing your plants. Thanks for the garden inspiration.

  11. Everything looks beautiful! That was a big job...but so worth while.

  12. Love this Donna. It turned out so pretty.

  13. Your sanctuary is so pretty, Donna.
    I remember when you first painted your patio. I wanted to do ours like that, but never did it.
    Have you had any bites on the house?
    It sure is a frustrating process, isn't it?
    Try to just enjoy the summer while you are still here.
    Love to you, sweet friend.


I just love your comments! They really make my day!!