Friday, April 11, 2014

Dreamy Whites & Blogger Blues

Bonjour Mes Amis!
This week sure flew by, didn't it?  It's finally starting to feel like spring around here, and I am oh so happy!
And since anything painted my favorite creamy, dream white also makes me happy, I thought I'd share with you some of my latest transformations that I've added to my Etsy shop.
 I found this beautiful framed vintage print of the Virgin Mary down in Georgia this winter.  Problem was, the metal filigree frame was a very gaudy gold.  I could hardly wait to paint it my favorite shade of cream!

 This is the before, below.
I think Mary looks so much happier after the makeover, don't you?
 The wonderful details were totally lost in all of that gold!
 I don't have befores of the rest of my makeovers (bad blogger, I know!), so I'm afraid you'll have to use your imagination.  I love collecting pretty pictures frame, and united all of these by painting them shades of white and cream.  
 I found this cute little vintage mirror while out thrifting, and thought it would be the perfect addition to the frame set!

 I've got to give hubby credit for finding this next piece!  (guess I have trained him well!).
It is a vintage sewing organizer. At least I think that was its original purpose.  I think it also would be pretty holding jewelry, or used on a desk for office supplies.  I wish that I'd taken a before shot, as it was a very ugly brown wood tone, ugh!
 Look at the pretty raised details on the top and front.  It's actually made of molded plastic, but you'd never guess it!
 The top lifts off to reveal two compartments.
 And there is a drawer below.  Cute!
 Last of all, are a pair of vintage Burwood wall sconces.  Again, they are actually molded plastic, but I think now that they're painted the look like old plaster!
 So, you already know that I love all things white and creamy white!  But what I don't love are issues with Blogger!  Are any of you having problems with it?  I have been singing the Blogger Blues, as it's just been giving me fits.  I can leave comments on your blog posts, but apparently many of you aren't receiving those comments in your in boxes. If you are like me, you usually don't check for comments on your actual blog, just in your in box.  So, I didn't want you to think that I've not been visiting or commenting, I am!
When I leave a comment, I often receive it back in my spam as a "mail delivery failure", but the comment is on your post.  I know I'm not the only one having these issues.  And, the same thing is often happening on my end.  I am not getting all of your comments in my in box, so I now (thanks to Blogger!!) am trying to get in the habit of also checking my blog for any comments that I've missed receiving.  I do appreciate everyone of you who visits, and who leaves me comments, and I almost always respond.
I've also had a few people tell me that I'm a "no reply" blogger, though I've not changed any of my settings.
And some people say that I am not a no reply blogger.
 I've tried clearing my history and cache, and that didn't solve it.  So apparently it's something that #$%%^#$&*  Blogger is up to!  If any of you have any suggestions or ideas, or are experiencing the same issues, I would love hearing from you!
Ok, now that I have that off my chest, hope you all have a great weekend!


  1. I love all the lovely items that you have painted. The gold frame looks terrific painted creamy white. She almost looks like she likes it.
    My friend Phyllis from AroundRhouse is having the same problem. I get a reply on my post and also on my email. I have often wondered why some bloggers and I won't mention any names NEVER reply, so I don't bother with them anymore will spend my time with blogger that are interested in me and I do realize that you can't always get a reply but never, oh well that's live.
    So glad that you are seeing signs of spring. I think that makes everyone feel good when Spring arrives. Have a terrific weekend.

  2. Love all your new white things :):) The Mother Mary is really pretty. Blessings for a great weekend, xoxo,Susie

  3. Hi Miss Donna,

    If you want the advice of a teddy bear, when it comes to Blogger DON'T change anything, 'cause it will surely get messed up. We have the same problem although we aren't seeing a problem with comments. We, too, have them come in as e-mail, a few months ago we began getting double comments but we just let it go, changing things that appear all of a sudden could be a disaster.

    Hope you get this comment. How is Katie Bug?

    Prudence ♥

  4. Hi Donna,
    First off, Mary does look much better surrounded by the lovely white. She's almost smiling!
    I can't get over the cute sewing box, too.
    I'm so sorry to hear about your blogger issues. I also receive my comments in email & never check directly on my post. Now I better go check in case I've missed anyone. I hope it all gets fixed for you ASAP!

  5. First of all, everything looks great. The white brings out the beauty in the picture.

    I've been having the same issues with comments. I've been leaving comments, and, it shows up in the box, but, apparently it's not being delivered by email. Ugh! So, you're not alone. Too busy to fret about it. I hope it gets fixed soon.

  6. Hi Donna, your new items are simply gorgeous. I love your dreamy whites. Mary is a beautiful treasure and the new white frame really suits her well.
    Love the frame set with the addition of your mirror and that sewing chest is too sweet. Your hubby did good to find that one.

    As for the blogger blues, you know I am having them too. Things in blogger are not working right at all even my follow by email is not going out so my newsletter sits idle with no visits. I've also tried fixes but it is not on my end. It is Bad Blogger so I hope they fix it soon. Not going to worry about it for now.

    Have a great weekend and enjoy your warm weather.

  7. Happy Spring. Isn't it wonderful? We spent all day outside Friday cleaning and raking the muddy brown yard. Love all your wonderful transformations. I especially appreciate that your hubby is also part of the hunt!

    PS. I've had to also get in the habit of checking my actual blog for comments. Blogger selectively decides which comments go to the inbox. I've given up and just go back and check my original post. I'm hesitant to start messing with settings because I don't trust blogger to make it worse.

  8. I love how your painted frames look grouped together. The sewing box which I think is a recipe file box or at least that is what my Mom uses hers for. I'm looking at it as I type in the original brown form! LOL!! It's really pretty in creme!!

    hugs, Linda

  9. Oh, so pretty! Mary does look happier in white than the dull gold! ♥

  10. Great looking things all repurposed and ready for sale. It is amazing what a coat of white paint can do for something, isn't it? I am so sorry that you are having a problem with blogger. Maybe I better check my blog, too, in case I didn't reply to some comments. xo Diana

  11. The Frames look Gorgeous Donna! I Love the pic of Mary you found~ Guess I better check Blogger, that's why I don't post as much as I should. Blogger and I have a Love Hate Relationship and I can only access it in Google Chrome.

    Have a Great Week end!!
    Huggs, Nancy

  12. So pretty, Donna. Love your new things and your makeover.


  13. I have not had any problems that I know of. Hope yours stop soon. I check my blog and email. I know the last couple of days its taking forever for the comments to show up in the email, though.
    Love your latest make overs.
    I am going to be looking for stuff like this for my home when I get out more. ;)

  14. That Mary picture is gorgeous! Love all that white painting you have going on there! Blogger...always seems to be a problem and they always seem to be changing things...I don't know what to say about any of it!


  15. The grouping of frames is beautiful, Donna! I also like the picture of Mary done with a white frame.
    All of my comments from my blog haven't been showing up in my email lately...just some of them.
    We are getting quite a bit of snow tonight. How is the weather by you?

  16. Love the picture with it's "new" frame...and all the other frames with the music sheets, they look so nice. Hope you get your pc problem sorted !

    Happy Easter ...Gail x


I just love your comments! They really make my day!!