Friday, April 18, 2014

Decoupaged Easter Eggs

 Hopefully you all aren't tired of seeing my glass apothecary jar!  I love changing out the contents with the seasons and holidays, and thought I'd share with you my Easter version!
 I've filled it with a bunch of eggs that I created last year, that I decoupaged and embellished with bits of this and that.  Also included are faux eggs in the prettiest shade of light blueish green, as well as a sweet tiny faux nest complete with a teeny tiny egg and feathers!
 I've tucked moss here and there for filler.  The eggs have been decoupaged with vintage sheet music, and pages from a vintage French book.  I added pretty ribbon in the shades of aqua and blue that I love.
 Aren't these blue paper flowers gorgeous?  I think I picked them up at Michael's.  To some of the eggs, I added pale yellow silk hydrangea blossoms, that I dusted with a bunch of glitter.
 Here's a look from above, with the lid removed.

 It's on our dining table, where we can enjoy it each day.  Come summer, I'll add special sea shells and some sand, for a beachy feel.  But for now, I am loving my eggs!
 With Easter just a few days away, I am reminded of days past when my mom would take my older sister and I to pick out a special outfit for Easter Sunday church services.  It was such a treat, and a big adventure picking out a brand new dress, as well as shoes and a purse to match!  Often we would get new hats and I also remember wearing little white gloves when I was very young.  Wow, things sure have changed, haven't they?
Below is a photo of yours truly, taken at Sunday School, when I was not quite 3 years old.   I'm sorry for the poor picture quality.  Not only is this photograph a little worse for wear, but we don't have a scanner, so I had to take a picture of it.
I look scared to death, don't I? I was painfully shy as a little girl, and into adult hood as well.  I think this must have been taken at Easter, as the date is April.  Notice my little pocket book with the pretty floral embellishment?  I started loving all things embellished at a very early age, I guess:)  I have to laugh at the purse though, wondering what I kept in it?  Candy???!
I was wearing a little pale pink dress, white sweater, and of course shiny black t-strap shoes and white knee socks. So very lady like!  Oh, and a barrette in my hair, too.
If only life could be so simple now...........
 Wishing you and your family a very blessed Easter!


  1. I'll never grow tired of your apothecary jar. Your eggs with the moss are gorgeous. They can stay up long past Easter.

    What a precious picture of you!! I want to show the girls a few past Easter pictures when we visit my parents on Sunday. Matching Easter dresses, new shoes and purses were so important at our house too. I'll have to tie down Josie to get a dress on that child for mass on Sunday. hee hee.

    Happy Easter!

  2. You are so sweet. Love the little purse:) Your jar is the perfect thing to decorated thru the season and holidays. I love it. xoxo,Susie

  3. Easter Blessings from our home to yours.

  4. Oh I remember those early days, too. Shopping for my new Easter dress was a big deal! I don't think Mom even got a new dress for Easter, but she made sure I had one. Love your apothecary jar and all the pretty eggs. Happy Easter!

  5. I love the way you have layered the eggs and the moss and decorated with sweet flowers in your jar, Donna. It looks FAVORITE part of the post is you as a little girl. You were DARLING! How very sweet! xo Diana

  6. Donna...your eggs are precious. You have such an eye for detail! And they are so pretty in the jar.

    I love the picture of you when you were a little girl. My mother always dressed up my sisters and I on Easter. Dresses, shoes and even spring coats! We didn't have a ton of money so I'm not sure how she did that with the coats, it must have been a tradition in her family.

    Happy Easter!


  7. Your eggs are beautiful and looks so good in your glass canister.
    I love the picture of you in your pretty Easter dress. Yes, I remember how I would always get a new dress, Mary Jane shoes, hat, purse and gloves and I really thought it was so great to have a new outfit to go to church.
    Wishing you, hubby and Katie a Happy Easter

  8. Happy Easter Donna,
    You are such a cutie in your little pic from Sunday School. How cute and special to have this picture. It is a treasure. I remember dressing like this and wearing those darling MaryJane shoes and little white gloves. I still have them in my glove box.

    Love your gorgeous decoupage eggs. They look beautiful in the large jar with the moss around them and the little nest. So pretty on your table.

    Wishing you a very special Easter.
    Blessings always,

  9. Just hopping in to wish you a Happy Easter and I love that photo! I so remember getting new clothes for Easter to wear to church! I bet you have your offering money in there for Sunday School and kleenex. That is what was in mine. ;)
    Oh, I loved my patten? leathers. I wore white in the spring and summer and black in the fall and winter.
    I remember the easter hats and white gloves, too!
    Your eggs are wonderful. Never got mine done, but know now why. I was going to do some like your lace ones, so I am going to get that done this week before I pack up the decorations!

  10. I love how you change out your jar for the seasons, Donna. Your table is always so pretty.
    What a cute little girl you were. I remember the Easter dress, hat, purse, and shoes every year. It made us feel so special, didn't it?
    Have a great week!


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