Tuesday, January 7, 2014

The Deep Freeze

Hello everyone!
It's a balmy minus 14 this morning at the Chateau! And that is before the wind chill factor, which is more than 30 below zero!  Yes, you read that right!  With so much of the country under piles of snow and ice and record breaking cold temps, spring is sounding pretty good right about now!
Our local news last night said that it's colder here in Michigan than at the South Pole!  Now I feel so much better knowing that, hahaha!
I snapped these photos yesterday, to give you an idea of all the snow we have here, but of course the pictures don't do it justice. We received at least a foot of snow on Sunday, on top of what we already had.
No worries, I snapped away from the comforts of inside, no frost bite for me!
There is a birdbath under here, somewhere!
Ok, this is the one picture I stepped outside to take, but only for a second!  This is right off from our back deck.  Hubby had to shovel a spot for Katie to go out and do her business.  It was way to deep for her to even walk in.
One of our bird feeding stations in the back yard.  Notice all of the snow on the roof of the gazebo feeder?  I was enjoying watching this pretty blue jay.  He was all puffed up trying to keep warm.  I feel so sorry for the wild life and the homeless in this weather.  It is dangerous to be out for more than just a few moments.
We have a heated bird bath, which is a real hit.  Just look at those huge icicles hanging from it!
I snapped this from the patio door in our bedroom.  Notice the huge drift on our front deck?
And the next two shots from our living room looking out to the deck.  That is alot of snow!!!

We are fortunate to have blue birds visit our bird bath. Some days 5 or 6 land at one time, it's such a treat!  Of course I never have the camera handy when that happens, but I did manage to snap a photo of one, below!
And this is how our Katie enjoys spending a snow day, working on her tan in the sun room!:)
Our usual daily walks have been put on hold until we warm up a bit.
Have a great day, and keep warm and snug!


  1. It sure looks pretty even though it isn't! I am glad you and Katie are inside staying warm. I can't stop thinking about those (human and animal) who don't have a place to keep warm. Hopefully this craziness passes soon. Have a great week!


  2. Oh my, how much snow you have there. I heard it on the news that you have a crazy weather there. Here we don`t have much yet, but I`m sure we will get our doze soon.

    Warm hug from here

  3. Oh my, how much snow you have there. I heard it on the news that you have a crazy weather there. Here we don`t have much yet, but I`m sure we will get our doze soon.

    Warm hug from here

  4. WOW, so much snow. I would be hunkering down with hot chocolate a good books and lots of warm clothes.
    Poor little Katie, she probably doesn't realize what is going on.
    Hopefully you weather will change soon. Take care of yourselves. The pictures are great!

  5. Whoa, that is COLD Donna! And all that snow - winter can be beautiful, but cruel. I hope your sweet wildlife friends can find a way to stay warm. Glad to see Katie warming up in her favorite spot.

  6. Hi Donna, You are covered in the white stuff and it is gorgeous till you realize all the cold that goes with it. Love seeing those pretty birds enjoying the heated bird bath. Such a great thing to have for the birds through the winter.
    Katie is adorable sitting in the sunroom enjoying the sun streaming in. She has the right idea!!
    Thank you for sharing these memorable pics. They remind of my days growing up in Michigan. I have to say, I don't miss it.

    Stay warm, be safe

  7. We were at -16, with -45 wind chills, and tons of snow. Pretty to look at, but, YUCK! Great photos, btw. Stay warm!

  8. Looks and sounds just like us here. Roads are still bad here and some are closed again. Looks like DH will be home again tomorrow.
    Love your photos and I have the same problem with my back door, except I had to open it to find out! With flip flops on! Stay warm and cozy!

  9. It's been a wild couple of days but I've loved being trapped at home instead of work.

  10. wow.... keep safe and warm !
    Gail x

  11. I can't even imagine what you are going through and you seem so chipper. Katie seems to be taking the cold in stride too. Hoping the spring visits you early this year.

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  14. Oh- I missed this post, Donna. It is so flipping cold and it looks cold there, too.

    I see you had to remove a couple of idiot's remarks! lol xo Diana
    ps. Katie looks pretty darned warm and comfortable to me-


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