Thursday, January 9, 2014

Cozy and Creative

Ok, I am going to try and stop complaining about the record setting cold, and all of that snow, and instead attempt to put a positive spin on it!  Notice I said the word "try":)!
One of the good things about being house bound is spending time creating.
Nothing like playing in my craft room, a cup of hot cocoa nearby 
(with an extra helping of marshmallows, please!) to help beat cabin fever!
So on that note, I thought I'd share a few of my projects with you today.
I had so much fun with this first project, which I created for a friend's birthday present.
 I began by painting a couple of vintage wooden hangers a pretty robin's egg blue.
The floral design is actually copies of vintage wall paper that I printed and cut out by hand.  I added them to the front of each hanger with a bit of decoupage, and another coat of decoupage on top.
 A clear sealer, and some of my wonderfully crinkly aqua seam binding tied in a generous bow, and 
 A gift that is not only pretty, but useful, too!
Now I want to make some for myself!
 Last week I showed you the clay tags which I created, also using copies of vintage wall paper.
Well, this is how I ended up using a few of the tags.
I'm always hunting for interesting birdcages that I can transform, so I was super excited to find the following two, which went in my Etsy shop. Well, I have to give hubby credit for finding the first one, he is my official "picker"!
It was black when he found it, so of course I knew it could be oh so much prettier painted my favorite creamy dreamy white!
A bit of distressing, and a generous bow of cream crinkly seam binding, as well as one of my sweet clay tags, and she is looking rather shabbyliscious, if I do say so myself!
 She even has a cute door with a fun little latch!
 I added this pretty rose embellished tag to the next birdcage, and was thrilled when it promptly sold!
 Isn't it cute?  I almost didn't see the birdcage at first, as it was filled to the brim with old, dusty silk flowers, butterflies, falling apart styrofoam and more.  I know that someone thought they were being creative, but the poor thing really looked downright awful!  So after pulling it all out, and giving her a good bath, I used the same creamy white paint as my other birdcage and took her from drab to fab!
I love how her lid lifts off! 
 Next up are some pinecones that I painted pink, and glittered just for fun!
I had a large stash of pinecones on hand, that I had collected on various vacations.
While they were pretty tedious to paint, it was a fun project, especially since it involved my favorite crafting medium, glitter!
 I thought pink would be such an pretty and unexpected color for them.  I ended up painting some light and some brighter pink.  I then added coarse clear glitter, and pretty pink mica.
 It's a bit hard to see in the photos, but the effect is just magical!
These ended up in my Etsy shop, but I did paint and glitter a bunch in cream to keep for myself!

I've got plenty more creations to share with you next time.  Now I'm off to work on more fun projects in my craft room!
Have a great day, and keep warm!


  1. what a great idea for boring wooden hangers!
    Have run creating!

  2. your bird cages are so pretty. You really did a great job on them. I love the coat hangers. Your clothes would look stunning on them.
    I used to get the pretty padded hangers and then put lace on them with a flower at the top. I sold a lot of those when I had my little boutique shows. A lot of brides purchased them for their wedding dresses. I was able to purchase lovely French Lace from a little craft store at exceptional prices. But, unfortunately she went out of business.
    Looking forward to seeing your other projects your working on.
    Stay warm...

  3. I love all of your "pretties"! They're gorgeous!!

  4. Even though the birdcages are gorgeous, I LOVE the hanger!!! Wooden hangers are the best and you've made one even better.

  5. You have been on a roll making precious pretties during this cold spell. I'm loving the beautiful wooden hangers, what a terrific gift! The bird cages are sp pretty as well...I used to collect them yet I never painted them, I sort of went with the rustic appeal of these little antiques. I do like these creamy colors though. And your tags are very cute, too! Keep up the good work!!


  6. I always love all of your ideas and glad the cold has kept you in so you could do them! But, really- pink pine cones with glitter? Girl, maybe you've been stuck inside too long so I think next week should be spring. You know, just to get you out of the house for a bit. Not that I am going bonkers in here myself or anything unnormal like that. LOL- yeah, I need to get out, I think. All I have really gotten accomplished is harassing other bloggers...

  7. Those glittery tags are beautiful. They really do spruce up your sweet little bird cages too. I hope this record cold ends soon. I admire your coping skills. I would be in the loony bin by now. Stay warm and keep using that cocoa as antifreeze. I know it works wonders.

  8. I must borrow that idea for jazzing up wooden hangers. Love the bird cage too! Awesome projects, Donna.

  9. Wow- Donna! You have been a busy girl. Those birdcages are just darling. I love them both. And that hanger is darling, too. You have such a way of putting things together, Donna. You really do beautiful work- xo Diana

  10. Hi Donna, I just love your new creations and your gift is going to be a big hit with the hanger. So pretty!! Your bird cage is darling and the addition of your clay tags is perfect. Love the painted and glittered pinecones too.
    I can see you have been having lots of fun. Your shop has so many wonderful treasures.
    Have a great weekend and stay warm.

  11. Dear Donna, your hangers are gorgeous. Love the bird cases too, beautiful.

    Big hug from here

  12. You sure have made use of your home bound snow days! I love birdcages too and your pine cones are so cute. I just know your friend will be thrilled with her hangers.....Hang in there, spring will be here before you know it!!!


  13. I really like those wooden hangers!! They are so pretty!!!
    You are on a roll with your crafting projects, girl! Good for you!
    What better way to spend time on these cold winter days?


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