Saturday, May 17, 2014

I'm Featured Today at Junk Chic Cottage!

Bonjour Mes Amis!
I am so excited to be the featured blogger over at Junk Chic Cottage today!
Kris contacted me awhile back and asked if I would be interested, and I was thrilled and excited to say yes!
So you can visit me here today:

Thank you Kris, you made my entire week!


  1. Hi Donna
    Congrats on your feature today. I visited and so enjoyed the post sharing your life behind the blog.
    You are a true inspiration!!
    Have a great weekend!!

  2. Congratulations for being featured at Junk Chic Cottage today! Loved learning more about you. Love your home, too!

  3. So nice to learn more about you! Congrats on the feature, we love your beautiful blog!

  4. I just love what Kris is doing. I'm adding you to my list of followers and hope you'll drop by and see me too. I can't wait to look around and see what you are doing. Your feature was great. I loved all the places you've been and your home is absolutely gorgeous.

  5. Hi Donna, I read about your on Junk Chic College so I just added your blog to my blogroll. What a fun and interesting blog you have:)

  6. Donna, I just read your feature and it was WONDERFUL! My favorite was to see the photos of all the gorgeous places you've visited. Not to mention your delightful garden and pretty is a terrific feature for a terrific blogger.
    xo, Susan

  7. Donna, You sweety. I was happy to see you were featured at Kris' blog. Love you crafting area. Blessings, xoxo,Susie

  8. I really enjoyed your post on Spotlight series. Your post was terrific and getting to know the blogger, but I already knew you were special. Was a lovely post - now you will just have to travel out to CA next year when the weather get bad.
    Have a great weekend and hugs to Katie.

  9. Aww...headed over there- You know I love you AND Kris! xo Diana

  10. I loved your feature! So much fun to learn more about you!


  11. How wonderful, Donna (the Queen of Glitter)! I always enjoy learning new things about one of my favorite Michigander bloggers!

  12. Hi! I just read Kris' feature and came right over to see more of your beautiful blog! Hugs, Leena

  13. I saw your feature and what an exciting life you have and such talent. Love those French buckets. I am going to be following and would love for you to check out my blog.



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