Saturday, April 5, 2014

A Fun Drab to Fab Makeover!

Bonjour Mes Amis!
Hope you're having a great weekend, I can't believe how quickly this past week has gone!
Today I wanted to share with you one of my latest drab to fab makeovers.
I'll show you a peak at the "after"...........
A pair of pretty wooden bookends that I painted and stenciled.  But, they didn't begin life looking so stylish.  Oh, no!
 Here is what they looked like when I first spotted them while out treasure hunting recently.
Dark brown stain and a strawberry motif made them shout "1970's country" for sure!!
 I snatched them up quickly, as I just knew they had plenty of potential and would be so much happier with a little paint and tlc!
 I began painting them with DecoArt's chalky finish paint in a creamy dreamy white.  Initially I thought I'd decoupage something to the fronts, but then I had a bit of a brainstorm and decided to add a stencil instead.
Since you know I love all things French, this gorgeous fleur di lis from DecoArt's line of stencils seemed the perfect fit!  I used a pretty blue gray for the stencil, also by DecoArt.
 A bit of distressing and a clear sealer, and voila!!!!!
 A pair of wooden bookends with a French flair!
I'll be adding these to my Etsy shop.  Since I had so much fun creating this pair, I am definitely going to keep my eye out for more bookends to transform!
 Ok, on another note, thought you might like to see how our Katie and her daddy spend their afternoons!
 It sure is a rough life!
Hubby is hard at work in his retirement (note the remote control in his hand?!).
It's a dog's life, for sure:)!
Joining Timewashed for Blissful Whites Wednesday


  1. what a sweet transformation! i would have totally passed those bookends up if i came across them. well done!

  2. I love those bookend, Donna. What a great makeover- Love Fleur de lis and the color is perfect.
    Also love the two loafers you live
    Hope you are having a great weekend- xo Diana

  3. Beautifully transformed! The bookends look beautiful. Love the Fleur de Lis, too. Awwww Katie and your hubby look so relaxed. Imagine me, times 3 with all of my Pups! We take naps on the sofa together. Sometimes long naps and other times only 5 or 10 minute naps...just for some snuggle time! ♥

    Please, stop on by for my creative I ♥ Shopping Blog Post, which I do every Saturday!

    Have a great Sunday!

  4. Your book ends look so good. It's hard to believe the transformation, I would have probably passed them by before you refinished them.
    Looks like someone is very spoiled at your house. Looks like mine too - they know when it's nap time LOL
    Have a great weekend.
    Katie looks so good with her haircut.

  5. Hi Donna. I love the bookend with fleur de lis.

    The two in the sofa remind me of someone here, lol.

    Hugs from here

  6. Katie is just so adorable.
    Another one of your incredible transformations!

  7. Hi Miss Donna,

    I don't think I ever commented on your bee-u-tee-ful blog before but Mom always reads your posts to me.

    Now, in my teddy bear opinion, I would say "Katie & Dad enjoying retirement". Giggle.

    Prudence ♥

  8. Hi Donna, WOW I just love your bookends redesign. So just chic and the perfect stencil.

    Katie and your hubby look mighty comfy relaxing on the sofa. I see the remote. That sure reminds me of someone here at times too.
    Have a great Sunday.

  9. Drab to fab indeed, Donna! I can't get over how you can have such a promising vision past that 1970's country.
    Looks like someone's gotta work around there, hee hee. Your hubby and Katie look perfectly comfy, so there's no need to disturb them, right? So cute.

  10. Another amazing makeover! Thank goodness for paint and a creative eye like yours!


  11. Donna I Love these! Simple, Sweet and the colors make quite a statement! Like Michele I would have passed these up, but now I'll be on the Hunt. Oh yes, one of us lives the retired life here too. I bet we could fill a Pinterest page with Retired hubby's and everyone would have a remote in hand~too funny!

    Huggs, Nancy

  12. I love your makeover! The fleur de lis fits perfectly! And you made me almost shoot soda out of my nose with the 1970s country comment. So true and I swear my mother-in-law had those in her house. =)


  13. What a lovely transformation. The fleur de lis is gorgeous and catches my eye. Katie looks so loved and comfy with your hubby.

  14. LOL- looks like they both have retirement down to an art! I love what you do to things. Those were sure butt ugly! Glad you saved them!
    Hope you are getting thawed out up there. Its getting better here all the time. Want to get out and plant something, but its way to early to do that.


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