Sunday, March 9, 2014

Home Sweet Home!

Bonjour Mes Amis!
After 6 weeks of being on the road in our motor home, we're finally back!  While it was wonderful to get out of the snow and cold for awhile, I missed home oh so much!
We pulled into our driveway last night, and have spent the day unloading, unpacking, and doing lots of laundry.  Certainly not the most fun part of any trip, but we are thankful that we are able to travel as much as we do!  But, as the old saying goes..............
There's No Place Like Home!
Rather than share with you photos of all the snow here
(because I know many of you are dealing with the same stuff where you live!!)
I thought I'd share with you a few photos I took while we were in Savannah, of the neatest shop called 
"The Paris Market".
I'd shopped there on previous trips, and was really excited about visiting again!
I know you would not only love this amazing store as much as I do, but I bet you would be drooling over all of the gorgeous displays and vignettes (like I was!!).
I am loving the lit up "Paris"!
This painted antique dresser was oh so shabbyliscious!
Loved all of the wonderful silver treasures on display!
 I was totally drooling over these gorgeous French bistro chairs, they are the very same chairs used in so many of the sidewalk cafes in Paris!
Look at this amazing tablescape, done in a sea shell theme!
The placemats were so fun, made of paper.  I love the large wood spoons at each setting, as well as the real sea urchins in the soup bowls, how fun!!
I would love, love, love to have a worktable like this in my kitchen (if only I had a kitchen large enough to hold it, sigh!!).

I realized that I had forgotten to take a photo of the outside of the store, so I found this one on line.
So, if you ever get the chance to visit Savannah, be sure to check out "The Paris Market"!
\Hope you have a great week, looking forward to getting caught up with you all!


  1. Adorable store...I want to visit it! So glad you had a wonderful trip but you are so right, there is no place like home!


  2. Oh yes, those photos are much better to see than snow pictures. I would love that shop too. I like little places I have never been before. Glad you and your husband are home safe and sound. Blessings, xoxo,Susie

  3. What a neat, neat place to visit. I love the outside as much as the inside. Love the color they have used for the exterior- ox Diana

  4. What a wonderful store. It's totally YOU! Welcome home, Donna. Home, sweet laundry!

  5. Welcome home! Six weeks is a long time but from your posts it sounds like it was a great time


  6. There sure isn't anything like that around here! Love it all. So what did you take home from there? I love the Paris lighted signs.
    Glad you got back home. Our snow is gone for now, but more coming in on Wed.

  7. What a great store and all the wonderful delights in there. I would have been stuffing the motor home with lots of treasures LOL
    Bet Katie was glad to get home.
    So glad that you had a good trip home. We had 87 degrees today was really nice.
    Have a great week.

  8. Love the shop and all the "pretties"! Glad you're home safe and sound. I know the laundry and unpacking just goes on and on after a vacation and I'm always ready to be home again, too!

    Done anything with Katie's painting?

    Jan ♥

  9. That store looks like it is worth going to savannah!

  10. Hi Donna, what a wonderful shop. I would love to visit this spot if we go to Savannah. Your pics are great. Love the bistro seats and that work table is gorgeous.
    The outside pic is so inviting. I could spend a lot of time shopping there.

    You had an amazing trip. Welcome home!

  11. Welcome home!!!!! Oh my gosh, that Paris market!!!! There are no words other than to say totally jealous!


  12. Donna,
    What a beautiful store. Love that kitchen work table too. What a great piece. Looks like this shop had lots of fun treasures. I can see why you were excited to visit there.

  13. Wait...Where is Katie lol! Love the store and you are right those Paris letters are so cool, I would love to shop there!


  14. Glad you are home safe and sound, Donna! That shop looks like a lot of fun...I'd love that worktable, too! Thanks for sharing!

  15. Glad your trip home was safe and that you had a fun time down south! The Paris Market looks like a great place to browse on a lazy afternoon. Thanks for the eye candy.


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