Monday, March 24, 2014

A Little Spring Vignette

Is it feeling and looking like spring in your neck of the woods?  With piles of old snow still around here in Michigan, cold temps, and even more of the white stuff in the forecast tomorrow, I think Mother Nature is more than a bit confused!
Regardless of the weather, we can still have fun indoors playing with spring themed decor and crafts, right?
So today I thought I'd share with you a little vignette that I put together, and a cute craft idea that might put a spring in your step!
What began as a humble little cardboard carton holding fresh mushrooms, was transformed into the cute petite basket you see here!
 I had so much fun creating this basket, as well as putting together this springy display!
 Perched atop a vintage silver pedestal with the perfect amount of patina is a sweet little glass cloche full of faux bird's eggs.
In the background are a pair of French themed wooden decoupaged plates that I created a few years ago.
 A tiny vintage silver creamer (with more of that patina that I so love!) holds one of my decoupaged and glittery flower embellished eggs.
 Ok, getting back to my little basket.  It was a very sturdy cardboard carton, that I just knew was full of crafting potential!  I immediately though "Easter Basket"!  So I decoupaged torn pages of vintage sheet music all over, including the inside of the carton.
 I then fashioned a twisted wire handle from pretty wired floral garland.
A copy of a vintage French soap label, courtesy of the Graphics Fairy, was decoupaged to the front.

 To embellish the basket, I added pretty creamy cotton lace to the top, and added a cute black and white paper flower, both from Michael's.
I filled the basket with crinkled shredded brown kraft paper, a darling little birdie, and a petite faux nest and eggs.
The little bird actually was pretty worse for wear when I first found him.  He was stuffed inside of a birdcage that I picked up at a thrift shop awhile back.  I didn't have the heart to toss him at the time, even though he looked, well, pretty tired!
So I decided to cover him in clear glitter ('cause you know how much I love my glitter!), and I think he looks much happier now!

 I'm so happy with the way my little basket turned out!  I had all of the materials on hand, so the cost was basically free!

So I hope that I've inspired you to take a closer look at items you may be about to toss in the trash or recycling, and see them as potential craft projects!
Joining Blissful Whites Wednesday, be sure to visit!


  1. Super cute basket! I have peat pots in need of a makeover and this has inspired me! Have a great week!


  2. Donna, what a clever way to transform a mushroom box, of all things! I love your eggs in the cloche, too, and the sweet handmade glittered egg. Everything looks so good grouped together. I hear ya about spring - where, or where can it be? We had temps in the teens today - SO unusual for this time of year, and we may get snow Wed. Spring will be more than welcome when it finally arrives. :)

  3. It is all so pretty and inspiring.

  4. So pretty, Donna...and I really love the idea of glittering the bird!

  5. What a cute spring/easter basket, Donna! Clever Idea and so beautifully done!
    Happy Spring to you!

  6. Brilliant and creative as always, Donna! Maybe if we keep dreaming and wishing hard enough, spring will come to MI. Rumor has it we may see 50 degrees this weekend. Pretty please!

  7. Donna-That is so cute. You are so talented at putting those sweet little baskets and peat pots together. I just love them!!! Your glittered bird is adorable, too. What a sweet little vignette! xo Diana

  8. Hey there, that is such a nice decoration idea...i love it. Thans for sharing here. Greats from Germany Isabell

  9. Hey there, that is such a nice decoration idea...i love it. Thans for sharing here. Greats from Germany Isabell

  10. You never cease to amaze me with your creativeness. I would have never thought to use a little carton like that, but now that I see it, it's beautiful. Love the eggs and the little birdie - your so cleaver.
    Hope that Spring does show up before Summer.
    Have a terrific week.

  11. Love it! I see you got your glitter on for this project.
    Its snowing here right now...not sure I am going to be looking out the window much today. I would rather sit and pretend its not to hold out for the weekend.

  12. Love your little birdie basket with all the glitter!! ♥

  13. Donna you are amazing. I love your little nest using the mushroom basket. I get those all the time and usually mix paint in them. LOL~~ Love your creativity!!
    Your cloche with the eggs and the little creamer with your pretty egg makes for such a pretty spring display. You have so inspired me.
    Happy Creating and I hope that old snow melts soon.

  14. Donna,
    Everything is so cute. Love the basket you made and the cute creamer with the egg is adorable. Very pretty Spring vignette.

  15. The basket is beautiful, Donna.

    Hugs from here

  16. This is so cute, and I love it when things come together with stuff we already have on hand. Great use of a mushroom crate. If you hadn't told us, I bet none of us would have guessed.

  17. What a cute spring time project you have put together, Donna.
    I must tell you how much I love the two french boards you created on your previous post! Especially the white one. They are beautiful!!
    Are they finished to use as cutting boards? or just as signs? Either way, you really did a great job on them.

  18. That's a darling little basket! I'm going out to buy mushrooms! Very cute.

  19. Graphics Fairy does a "Brag Monday" to link of projects using their graphics...You should link this up because it is adorable! I heard the northern states had a heat wave this weekend...Hope you were one of them!



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