Saturday, February 22, 2014

Let's Visit Savannah, Georgia!

Bonjour Ya'll!
We're here in Savannah, one of the most beautiful cities in the south!
It's a warm and sunny day today, so we headed downtown to soak up some of the beautiful sites.
One of the great things about Savannah, other than it being so gorgeous, is that it's a very walkable, and very dog friendly city!
Below you will see one of the famous landmarks, the amazing fountain in Forsyth Park, which was modeled after a fountain in Paris.
 My photos just don't do it justice!
 We walked blocks and blocks of brick and cobblestone streets admiring all of the beautiful old mansions.
 Just look at the gorgeous details of this home, below.
 So much history and beauty at every turn!
 I really loved all of the great porches!
 Isn't this white camellia stunning?
 It was such a treat to see the magnolias beginning to bloom.  Hard to believe it's still just February, and is cold and snowy back home!
 The lower level of many homes featured gorgeous iron gated entry ways.
 So romantic and mysterious looking, I think!

 And just look at this "secret" passageway behind this iron door.  I sure would love to see what's on the other side!  Oh, many of the homes also have antique gas lanterns, like the one below.  Love!
 The fountain wasn't on yet when hubby snapped this photo of Katie and moi!
 Just look at this ancient door, below that was for sale at an antique shop.  I loved the color.
 The same shop had these amazing old aqua wood doors.
 Savannah is filled with gorgeous squares on just about every block, and feature statues, gardens, park benches and of course fountains.
I'll be sure to share more photos with you soon!
Have a great weekend!


  1. Beautiful, so different from the rest of the south, like FL (except for the coastline).

    Have a wonderful time, and don't "think snow". We may be in for more winter with 16 degree temps mid-week, don't laugh.


  2. This is a city I have longed to see. As you said , lots of history and beauty. Glad you had a great time there. xoxo,Susie

  3. You really have some great shots that show why Savannah is so popular! You look so cute with Katie!

    We have been and now I am trying to convince hubby to fly down and spend some time on Tybee Island, which is right off the coast there. You might want to check it out.

    Keep us posted on all you do down there! :)


  4. Looks like you are having a wonderful time! I so want to visit there again...

  5. Donna- It is just gorgeous there. I love Savannah and haven't been in a few years. You are right- walking those blocks in the historical section is fascinating. You got some great pictures.

    I'll bet you can't wait to head back to that GA state park though-hahahaha. Love ya- Diana

  6. Hi Donna, I feel like I was there touring with you in your post. What a beautiful city and I love the homes and all the gorgeous details. I know you are having a wonderful time. Love the pic of you and Katie. So precious!!
    Love those old doors and the gates are so charming.
    Love seeing the flowers too.
    Thanks for sharing and have fun.

  7. It's been four years since we were in Savannah. It was mid July and it was so beastly hot. Such a gorgeous and romantic place to visit. I'm loving all your beautiful pictures.

  8. I would love, love, love to visit Savannah! Your pictures are fabulous!


  9. Savannah is such a beautiful city. So glad you are enjoying your visit there. It's warm and sunny out today and I'm smiling and happy! Give Katie a hug for me, loved the pic of the two of you!


  10. Donna,
    How beautiful. I love the feeling you get when you go to fabulous cities like Savannah to soak in all the history. Those homes are just gorgeous. Have a great start to the new week.

  11. What a gorgeous old city! Those doors are amazing!!!
    LOVE the picture of you, and your baby.
    I envy you, Donna. What a great life you have.
    The weather here is still stormy, and we are expecting more weather fit for penguins!
    Stay down there for a while longer.
    Just keep sending us pictures to enjoy.
    Love to you.

  12. Looks and sounds like you are having a lovely time! Visiting the South is definitely on my bucket list right along with Paris of course!


  13. I love Savannah...I would think I died and went to heaven if I loved in one of those gorgeous houses!!



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