Friday, February 28, 2014

Savannah Scenes

Bonjour Ya'll!
We are still here in Savannah enjoying sunny days and warm temps.  A bit cool today, but still much warmer than back at home!
Yesterday we visited the most gorgeous Cathedral of Saint John the Baptist, which is in the heart of historic downtown Savannah.
I just love the beautiful twin steeples, which are visible from a long way off.

 We've visited countless magnificent cathedrals thru out Europe, and I must say this one is as equally amazing and beautiful!
 My photos really don't do it justice!  The cathedral was built in 1873, and sadly was destroyed by fire in 1898.  Rebuilding began the following year, and was completed in the early part of the 1900's.
Just look at the stunning ceiling, columns and stained glass windows.
 The pipe organ in the balcony was huge and very impressive!

 I loved all of the hand painted murals, especially this one of Christ, above.
 I had goosebumps!
 The stained glass windows were not only huge, but were stunning!  They were made by Austrian stained glass artisans.
 Here is another view from the front.  Wish those darn power lines hadn't been in the way!
 And here is our home away from home!  While I am missing our own home (which will seem like a mansion after living in our motor home!), I am not missing all of the cold and snow!
 The state park we are staying at has the biggest sites we've ever seen.  Huge live oak trees draped in Spanish moss, pine trees, and even occasional palm trees make for a beautiful setting.
 My sleepy assistant resting in my "office"!
That's it for now, hope you all have a great weekend!

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

A Visit to Historic Fort Pulaski, near Savannah, Georgia

Bonjour Ya'll!
Yesterday we visited historic Fort Pulaski, which is just outside of Savannah.  We'd been the fort several years ago and enjoyed it alot, and since it was such a warm and sunny day, we thought it would be fun to go again.
Hubby and I aren't history buffs or anything, but when we are able to get up close and personal, it's fun to learn more!
The fort appeared in scenes from the movie "The Conspirator", that Robert Redford directed a few years ago.  As a matter of fact, the first time we visited Savannah, we just so happened to see Robert on the set of the movie downtown!  What a thrill that was, especially since he had been my teenage heart throb
(and I won't tell you how many years ago that was!!)
Building of the fort began in 1829, and took 18 years to complete, at a cost of $1 million dollars.  Can you imagine how much money that was way back then??!!!
 The fort is surrounded by a moat, and even has a drawbridge.  Occasionally alligators swim around the moat, but thankfully we didn't see any!
 The fort was considered indestructible, not just because of the moat, but because the walls are solid brick, and 7 1/2 feet deep!
 Well, everyone was more than surprised when the fort was attacked by the Union in the midst of the Civil War.  You can still see where their cannons damaged the walls (oops, I forgot to get a picture of that!!).
 I was in awe of the architecture, the white washed brick, and the amazing arches.
The Confederate's surrendered to the Union troups, and the fort was eventually turned into a military prison.  

 Hubby got a little out of control and had to be locked up!
 The fort is dog friendly, so we were happy to be able to take Katie along.  She enjoyed exploring as well!
 What is that on the handle of the cannon, below?
Take a closer look, it's a beautiful blue bird!  I was so surprised to see him, he even seemed to be "posing" for a photograph!
 Lots of history here.
Fort Pulaski is just a few minutes from Tybee Island, which we also visited once before.  In all honesty, we are not at all impressed with Tybee.  Not only is the beach not dog friendly (they fine you $290 if they catch you with a dog), but you have to pay to park everywhere, 7 days a week.  So all you see are lots and lots of "no parking" and "tow away zone" signs.  Some may disagree, but it just isn't the quaint island that I always thought it would be.  Other than alot of homes and motels, there really isn't much there that is nice.
Hope you enjoy the rest of your week, now I am off to see what you have been up to!

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Let's Visit Savannah, Georgia!

Bonjour Ya'll!
We're here in Savannah, one of the most beautiful cities in the south!
It's a warm and sunny day today, so we headed downtown to soak up some of the beautiful sites.
One of the great things about Savannah, other than it being so gorgeous, is that it's a very walkable, and very dog friendly city!
Below you will see one of the famous landmarks, the amazing fountain in Forsyth Park, which was modeled after a fountain in Paris.
 My photos just don't do it justice!
 We walked blocks and blocks of brick and cobblestone streets admiring all of the beautiful old mansions.
 Just look at the gorgeous details of this home, below.
 So much history and beauty at every turn!
 I really loved all of the great porches!
 Isn't this white camellia stunning?
 It was such a treat to see the magnolias beginning to bloom.  Hard to believe it's still just February, and is cold and snowy back home!
 The lower level of many homes featured gorgeous iron gated entry ways.
 So romantic and mysterious looking, I think!

 And just look at this "secret" passageway behind this iron door.  I sure would love to see what's on the other side!  Oh, many of the homes also have antique gas lanterns, like the one below.  Love!
 The fountain wasn't on yet when hubby snapped this photo of Katie and moi!
 Just look at this ancient door, below that was for sale at an antique shop.  I loved the color.
 The same shop had these amazing old aqua wood doors.
 Savannah is filled with gorgeous squares on just about every block, and feature statues, gardens, park benches and of course fountains.
I'll be sure to share more photos with you soon!
Have a great weekend!

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Happy Valentine's Day

Wishing you a very Happy Valentine's Day.
 May your day be filled with love.
 Katie wanted to show you one of her favorite tricks, "high-5", but she got too excited and decided to give you a "high-10"!
 We've made you a Valentine's Day card:)
(graphic courtesy of  Sweetly Scrapped)
Give someone a hug, and tell them that you love them!
Have a great day!

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Vintage Inspired Cards

Bonjour Ya'll!
I've been busy creating vintage inspired cards, and thought I would share some of them with you today.
I've not purchased cards in years, it's more fun to make them, I think!
 I began with blank cards which I picked up at Michael's.  Then I assembled the goods:  vintage sheet music, wonderfully crinkly seam binding, glue sticks, glitter glue, and some gorgeous images from 
The Graphics Fairy.  The Frenchy birds and nest, above, is one of my all time favorites!
 Of course I am always drawn to lovely floral images, like this pretty rose!
 Isn't this vintage image of a French ad for chocolate amazing?
 Oooh, la, la!  You know how much I love all things French, so of course I had to make a bunch of cards using this great Eiffel Tower print!
 Flowers for you!
 I love the cute pair of little fairies, below.  Such wonderful colors!
 Ok, this is another favorite bird image (I think I say they are all favorites, it's hard to pick just one!!).
So I guess it's safe to say that my signature look for the cards I create are glitter (the more, the better!), sheet music, and crinkly seam binding!
 The next few photos I snapped yesterday when hubby and I took a little afternoon trip to the town of Thomasville, which is about an hour from where we are staying.
Not sure what hubby is looking at in the photo below, he sure wasn't looking at the camera!!
Guess what that swag is made of?  Cotton!  Straight from the field cotton!  Wish I had gotten a close up shot.  Yep, we are in cotton country down here, and have seen these swags in several shops.
 We had the most delicious lunch at this cute little cafe, below, called Jonah's.
We split a mahi mahi sandwich, it was one of the best we've ever had!  And then we were feeling a bit decadent and also split a piece of house made key lime pie.  I'm really picky about my desserts (I won't eat it if it's not home made!), and I must say this was the best I'd ever had!
 The town itself was so cute, full of colorful buildings like the one below, dating from circa 1880's.
That's it for today.  Hope you all are having a great week so far.  If you are experiencing winter storms that are taking over much of the country, stay safe and snug!!