Saturday, January 18, 2014

Spring Fever!

It's official!  I now have spring fever!
While I would much rather be looking at this pretty corner of our yard............

 Instead I am looking at this!  Ugh!
Winter actually didn't bother me this year, until last weeks arctic blast hit!
 Record breaking cold temps, more than enough snow and ice leaves me longing for warm and sunny days!
 So instead of this....................
 I would love to see this!
So since it will be many, many more weeks til a warm up, I will have to content myself to day dreaming!
I've got the urge to do some spring decorating and crafting, but will try my best to hold off for awhile!
 Here is a little Easter vignette I created a few years ago.  I just love the vintage chalkware bunny perched at the top of my tiered pedestal bowl.
I've also been wanting to create some Easter baskets from peat pots.
I found a little inspiration on line, below.
Source:  Cheeky Magpie
 Isn't this the cutest?  I just love the cheery pastel colors, that sweet little birdie, and those pretty vintage millinery flowers!
Source:  Cheeky Magpie
 I adore the little nest and eggs in this darling peat pot, above!
Source: Scrap Scene
And this is another favorite that I am totally in love with! Love the vintage book page, those pretty little blue eggs, and the butterfly embellishment!
So for now I will have to be content dreaming and looking forward to warmer days.
I so will not miss having to wear my winter coat, boots, scarf, hat, gloves, etc, etc!!!
Enjoy your weekend, and keep snug and warm!


  1. That is a lot of snow. Don't fret. It will be here soon

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Hi Miss Donna,

    Your winter yard is bee-u-tee-ful. Remember, we love winter.

    Me 'n Mom decorated the dining room for Easter, it looks so pretty with the snow outside and the bunnies and decorated eggs on the table. See, you can have both worlds.

    We are nice and cozy, working on our Valentine tree.

    Prudence ♥

    Where's Katie Bug?

  4. Spring Fever? Already? LOL!! I haven't even dared to think about's so far away. More snow and single digit temperatures are forecast for us next week. Ohhhhhhh...I wish! :)

  5. Spring fever . . . well not yet, but I'm sure by the end of February I'll be lost is thoughts of gardening and shine-shine :)

  6. I do have spring fever with all the 80 - 90 degree weather we have been having. I picked two bouquets of roses this morning for the house. I am afraid that will be the last for a while since the gardeners are dead heading my roses. But my Calla Lily's are starting to bloom. I'm hoping that my spring flowers don't bloom quickly and then it gets cold and they go into shock or die. Also NO RAIN - soon they will be rating us.
    You and Katie stay warm - she is a good foot warmer.

  7. Hi Donna, I am right there with ya for spring fever. I am so ready. Today we did some painting and then worked in the garden. Yes, can you believe it. It was warm and it was so nice to do a little winter cleanup.
    I love your garden spot and the rock paintings on the steps and patio. Just gorgeous. Such an inspiring scene and then the SNOW.
    Oh my goodness do you have the snow. I know you are ready to be done with winter.

    Love the little creations you shared from the net. So cute and so inspiring. Your pedestal display is gorgeous. I love the natural elements you used. The bunny at the top is so cute too.

    Thanks for the inspiration. Spring hurry up~~~
    Stay warm.

  8. OH look at all of those lovely spring photos...we got another 5" of fresh snow here today...

  9. I always love a good peat pot inspiration! Thanks for sharing. Would an invite over to our backyard ice rink help take the winter blues away?

  10. Oh boy that looks very cold indeed ! Our winter has been so mild (and wet!) so I have to be grateful. Love the inspirational images.... stay warm and cosy ..Gail x


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