Friday, January 31, 2014

Sights of the South

Bonjour Ya'll!
We're still camping here in South Georgia, taking a much needed break from the cold and snowy arctic Midwest!  Today we visited downtown Valdosta, and had lunch at the nicest restaurant called "Steel Magnolias" (love the name!).

 I also love the quote on their chalkboard!!
 Cute little outdoor tables, with chairs painted my favorite shade of aqua blue.
I'd read many good reviews of the restaurant on line, and knew this was a place after my own heart, as soon as I spotted those cute folding chairs!
I also fell in love with all the gorgeous mirrors on the wall!
 The wall behind me had the neatest wallpaper, again with that pretty aqua.
Our lunch was delish, we will definitely eat there again!
 Below are some photos I snapped of a cute shop we went in.  It was full of all sorts of painted furniture and home decor.  I was a bit shy to snap any photos inside, so these are of their window displays.
 Love that neat birdcage!
 Great vintage furniture transformed with chalk paint.
 I fell in love with this Frenchy chair!
 The next photo I took in another nearby town.  It's their courthouse,  I really loved that amazing architecture and the neat silver dome.
 Ok,back home at the rv, here is our Katie taking a little break.
 She loves camping, and especially loves the long hikes we've been taking her on each day!
I'll be sure to share more photos with you in future posts. 
Have a great weekend!

Monday, January 27, 2014

Greetings from South Georgia!

Bonjour Ya'll!
After weeks and weeks of bitterly cold sub zero temps and lots of snow storms, hubby and I have escaped the frozen tundra of the Midwest and headed for warmer climates!
So, we loaded up the motor home, Katie in tow, and hit the road!
 Here is our home away from home.
 It is such a treat to see green again!  The warmer temps seem too good to be true after our never ending arctic blast back home!  Notice all of the moss hanging from the trees?

 This pretty palmetto is also in our "yard".
When we first arrived a few days ago, it was chilly and in the 40's.  Still warm by our standards!  Today it is in the low 70's and just perfect!  Wish I could have brought you all along!
While it is supposed to get cold again the next few days, we are in for another warm up. Anything beats single digit temps (for a high!), and well below zero night time temps!

 There are many hiking trails here at the state park we are camping at.  One trail overlooked this swampy area, so different from our landscape in the midwest.

 Ewww, what is this?
On our hike yesterday we were quite surprised to see this armadillo.  Katie went nuts barking at it, as we just don't have these creepy looking critters in Michigan!

 Speaking of our Katie, today she turns one year old!
Hard to believe she went from this...............
 to this................
 and this...................
 So quickly!  I snapped this shot of her today here at the campsite.  She was enjoying my reclining lounge chair outside.  What a pretty girl!
I'll be sure to share with you more photos of our trip in future posts.
Keep warm, and have a great day!

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Baby it's Cold Outside!

With another arctic blast upon us and temps in the single digits (for a high, and not including the wind chill factor!), I am longing for spring!  (I know, I said I wasn't going to complain anymore about the cold!)  Tonight's low is supposed to be minus 8 degrees, brrr!
So today I stayed warm by snapping these photos from the comfort of inside, looking out the window!
We really enjoy watching the birds at our heated bird bath. It's a treat when the blue birds swoop in for a quick drink.  There were 7 today at once, but of course all but 3 of them flew off when I ran to get my camera.

Aren't they beautiful? 
 We have several bird feeders as well as suet feeders, which are always a hit.  I was so excited to see this yellow bellied sap sucker (he's huge!), on the right, and a hairy woodpecker on the left.
 As soon as the hairy woodpecker flew off, a red headed woodpecker flew in for a snack!
 Ok, I just had to share these next two pictures of our Katie, staying warm and cozy inside!
 Here she is, playing with an early birthday gift, a stuffed squeaky chipmunk.
(Yes, she is more than a little spoiled!)
 I just had to tease you and share with you these lovely shots of Giverny, Monet's gardens!
I was hunting thru photos that I'd saved and came across them today, and thought they would be a good antidote to our subzero wintery blast!
This was our second trip there, in 2008.
 Ever since art appreciation class in high school 
(and I won't even tell you how many years ago that was!) 
I've been in love with Monet's work.  I had dreamed for years of some day visiting his gardens, but never thought I would actually get there!
 What a treat, and a surreal moment, to be standing at his famous pond, the setting for his gorgeous water lily series of paintings!
 This is his home,above.  I just love the green shutters, and how the ivy has taken over the peachy pink stucco walls.  We toured the inside, but weren't supposed to take photos.
 Tons of rhododendrons and azaleas (sigh!).
 Another view of his pond.  Notice the pretty green bridge in the background?
Here's hubby on the bridge.  Isn't that wisteria gorgeous?  I remember it took quite awhile for me to get a shot of this, as the gardens were packed with other tourists the day we were there.
If you ever get a chance to visit Giverny, do so!
Just looking at these photos from the past makes me feel a little warmer:)
Have a great day, keep warm and cozy!

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Spring Fever!

It's official!  I now have spring fever!
While I would much rather be looking at this pretty corner of our yard............

 Instead I am looking at this!  Ugh!
Winter actually didn't bother me this year, until last weeks arctic blast hit!
 Record breaking cold temps, more than enough snow and ice leaves me longing for warm and sunny days!
 So instead of this....................
 I would love to see this!
So since it will be many, many more weeks til a warm up, I will have to content myself to day dreaming!
I've got the urge to do some spring decorating and crafting, but will try my best to hold off for awhile!
 Here is a little Easter vignette I created a few years ago.  I just love the vintage chalkware bunny perched at the top of my tiered pedestal bowl.
I've also been wanting to create some Easter baskets from peat pots.
I found a little inspiration on line, below.
Source:  Cheeky Magpie
 Isn't this the cutest?  I just love the cheery pastel colors, that sweet little birdie, and those pretty vintage millinery flowers!
Source:  Cheeky Magpie
 I adore the little nest and eggs in this darling peat pot, above!
Source: Scrap Scene
And this is another favorite that I am totally in love with! Love the vintage book page, those pretty little blue eggs, and the butterfly embellishment!
So for now I will have to be content dreaming and looking forward to warmer days.
I so will not miss having to wear my winter coat, boots, scarf, hat, gloves, etc, etc!!!
Enjoy your weekend, and keep snug and warm!

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Random Bits

Bonjour Mes Amis!
Hope you are having a great week so far.  Today I have some random bits of this and that to share with you.
Isn't this glittered angel just gorgeous?  One of my dear friends gave it to me for Christmas, and I just love her!
 She really sparkles and shines in the light.
 I think she looks right at home on our mantle surrounded by candle light!
 Next up is my large glass apothecary jar, which you have seen many times before here.  I love changing it out with the seasons, and for winter I've filled it with giant pinecones.
 I painted the pinecones a creamy white, and even though it doesn't show up in the photos, I've added clear glitter to them as well.  Because you know my motto............
"You can never have too much glitter!"

 I love displaying the apothecary jar on this vintage silver tray, with just the right amount of patina (love!).
Here is a closer look at the pinecones.
 Ok, sorry these next shots are dark in the foreground, I guess it was due to the bright white snowy background.  Anyway, our Katie visited the groomer yesterday for a new 'do, and wanted to show it off to you!!  She was being a bit camera shy, and just wouldn't turn and look towards me!
 This is one of her favorite perches, sitting on the back of our couch, front paws on the window sill, checking out all of the action!
 Ok, I told you this was going to be a random post!  I ordered Rick Steve's Italy book from Amazon, and was super excited when it came yesterday!  Hubby and I first visited Italy 13 years ago, and fell in love with the country!  We still talk about that trip, and vowed that we would some day return. So, we are hoping to get back there sometime this year, I can't wait!  This book is huge, well over 1,000 pages.  So I thought it would make for some fun reading and dreaming to help us get thru our cold, snowy and dreary winter!
 Looks like Katie decided to have her picture taken after all!
 I can't believe how much she has grown!  She will turn one year old in a little less than 2 weeks.
 And last but not least, I was super thrilled to discover this giant vintage Syroco decorative ladle last week at one of my favorite consignment shops!  It stands over 2 1/2 feet tall!  Of course I will be covering up that "gaudy gold" with my favorite shade of creamy dreamy white paint!
Usually the consignment shop is on the high end price wise, but I was surprised to see how reasonable this piece was.  I think because they thought no one would want the poor thing being so, well, gaudy gold!!
 I'll be sure to share with you her transformation when I am finished!
Looking forward to seeing what you all have been up to, have a great day!