Thursday, December 12, 2013

Our Tall, Tall Christmas Tree

Christmas decor has been a bit late to arrive here at the Chateau, as I've been sick with a very nasty cold for the past week.  Things are starting to look festive around here, thanks to the help of hubby!  I really missed not going out on our annual Christmas tree trek, but just wasn't up to it.  I sent him out on Sunday with  instructions to bring me back a nice tall, fat tree. Well, he took me more than literally, and came back with a humongous Fraiser fir!  I'm not sure how he managed to fit it into his car, let along carry it into the house!
It must have been at least 15' tall, no kidding!  So he decided to cut a few feet off, after bringing it indoors!
I finally managed to get the tree decorated the other day, with lots of help from hubby.  I'm still not feeling well, so trimming the tree wasn't nearly as fun as it should be.  But, we are excited to have it up.  It's wired to the door frame, so no worries about a toppled tree!  Notice the lack of decorations near the bottom of the tree, and the lack of a tree skirt?  Well, I'll explain why in a second!
 I took this photo from the loft, looking down.  It's still very tall, I'd say about 12'!  Hubby put the lights on, we have a mixture of led and tiny clear lights.
 Ok, this is the reason behind the lack of a tree skirt and ornaments on the lower branches. 
 A very mischievous little puppy by the name of Katie!

 I thought the reflection of the tree looked so pretty in the mirror above our mantle!
We have so many ornaments that have been collected over the years.  Many from friends and family, and many that I've made. They all are special and dear.
Ok, there are a ton of photos coming up, so I'll let the pictures do most of the talking!
 Touches of Paris.
 A sweet friend sent me a set of paper mache bird ornaments and glitter (from Martha Stewart).  She know how much I adore both birds and glitter!  I had so much fun making these sparkly ornaments!
 Peggy's Cove lighthouse in Nova Scotia.  Our talented neighbor lady painted this beautiful ornament to commemorate our trip there years ago.

 Sweet petite tea cup.
 More glittery goodness.

 Oooh, la, la!
 The sparkly Eiffel Tower below was given to me by a dear friend.
 Ornament I made filled with shredded vintage sheet music.

 I have a bunch of these sweet angel ornaments, which my mom quilted many years ago.

 Cute toy airplane, a nod to hubby's love of flying.
 Glittery blinged out birdhouse. What's not to love?!
 One of my glittered milk weed ornaments.
 A mischievous elf.

 Honoring the memory of our sweet Cocker Spaniel Emily.  I took this photo when she was just a fluffy little puppy.
 Another sweet angel, crocheted by my mom years ago.
 I don't like heights, so it's always a tradition for hubby to put our large crocheted angel at the top of the tree.

 I laid at the base of the tree and took this shot looking up.  Yikes, I can't even see the top!!
 That is one tall tree!
 Thanks for coming along on the tour!
Care to have a little helper visit your house?!
Stop back in a few days and I'll share with your my little woodland themed tree in our sunroom.
It's not nearly as tall as the tree in our living room, I promise!
On a side note, I recently inadvertently selected "Google+"  on my blog (what a pain and big mistake!), only to discover that many of you were unable to leave comments on my posts. So, I tried to deselect Google+, but people were still not able to leave any comments!  So frustrating, I appologize!  So, I have been trying to do some troubleshooting, please bear with me, I hope to get this annoying problem fixed.  Sure don't know why Google has to make things so complicated!


  1. Hi Donna, Just found how to find you with google+ I emailed you so just ignore it now. So glad it worked.
    Anyway, your tree is gorgeous. My goodness what a wonderland at your house with this magnificent real tree full of fabulous ornaments. It is huge and one of the prettiest I have seen. I love all your frenchy designs. The crocheted angel at the top is beautiful. I have a crochet angel at the top of ours too but our tree is only 7 foot tall. I do not like heights either.
    Katie looks adorable tangled in the lights. She is a sweet little helper!!
    So glad you got the google thingy figured out.
    Hugs, Celestina Marie

  2. I think your comment box is working now. I have not heard wonderful things about Google +. Your tree is gorgeous and Katie, as usual, is adorable. Hope you have a full recovery very soon.

  3. Donna, your tree is so big and so pretty! I love all your glittery ornaments. I have some Eiffel Towers on my tree this year also! So many great memories this year. Oh your helper is adorable! Hope you feel better soon. Hugs, Linda

  4. Let's see if this works for me. Love your tree and all the fun decorations, but so sorry you are so sick. Praying for healing and better days from here on out.
    Katie + tree = problems? Surely not!
    Got the same thing going on here, but mine can climb higher than Katie. She does look cute wrapped in lights!

  5. Katie looks adorable all wrapped up in those lights!
    Your gigantic tree is beautiful, Donna. John did an awesome job of getting it home, and setting it up for you!
    Pretty lights, and decorations. Everything looks all cozy, and festive.
    Hope you are feeling better real soon.

  6. Katie is so cute...No way she is mischievous lol! Hubby did a fabulous job with tree picking...That is a beauty and the picture of the tree reflection in the mirror is a show stopper


  7. Just had to stop by again and view your gorgeous tree. The pic of the top in the mirror looks like a framed photo and not a reflection. So pretty.
    But sweet Katie steals the show all tangled in lights. That could make a darling Christmas card.
    Enjoy your pretty snowfall.

  8. I'm sorry to hear you haven't been feeling well, Donna...hope it passes soon! Meanwhile, just relax in front of your gorgeous tree! I can't believe your husband got that home either!

  9. Yay - I can leave a comment! I figured I'd just come back to try again. So happy you figured it out Donna. I wanted to tell you how much I love your tree and all its' personal ornaments. No surprise to see those Eiffel towers hanging up, my fellow Parisian fan. And I adore the one of sweet Emily and the handmade angel from your Mom. How funny about Katie being mischievous near the bottom - at least with this height you have plenty of room above. It looks glorious!

  10. Oh, and I hope you're feeling much better now and enjoying the Christmas fun!

  11. I do Hope you're feeling better now... we too have been battling a round of Flu going thru the household which really does put a cramp on Christmas Prepping! Your enormous Tree is Spectacular and your Ornaments are so Creative and Beautiful.

    Christmas Blessings from the Arizona Desert... Dawn... The Bohemian

  12. Oh- Donna- It is just gorgeous AND big! lol I am so sorry that you feel so ill with that crappy cold!
    Your ornaments are all so sweet but I got a lump in my throat looking at the one of your precious little Emily.

    Hope you have a good week from here on out! xo Diana


I just love your comments! They really make my day!!