Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Graduation Day!

We have a graduate!
For the past 6 weeks, we've been taking little Katie to PetSmart for obedience classes.
It was our final class last night, and all of the dogs got to wear little graduation caps for photos!  It was hilarious!
Katie turned 10 months old today, and has made alot of progress since starting "school".  We've been working on the basics like "stay", "leave it", "come", and much more.  This past week, she learned "high-five", it's so funny to watch!!  Of course, she is still a wild and crazy little puppy, there is never a dull moment here at the Chateau!

 Our trainer was great, she really knows her stuff!  She made class time fun, and really has a deep love of dogs.
I plan on taking Katie back in the spring for the intermediate class.
My goal is to eventually have Katie become a certified therapy dog, so that she can visit hospitals, nursing homes, etc.  She really loves people, and she has a way of melting the hearts of everyone she meets!
Edited to add:
On a somber note, I just heard that the sweet little grandson of Nana Diana is very sick, and was admitted into the ICU.  The dr's are doing lots of tests, as they don't know what is wrong.  Could you please pray for him, as well as the family?  I can't imagine dealing with something so scary, he is just a little guy.  You can read about it here.  Thank you, I know that Diana really would appreciate it!
Wishing you and your family a wonderful Thanksgiving!


  1. Katie would make a great therapy dog. She is such a sweetie! Congrats on her 'graduation'. I will pray for Diana's grandson.

  2. So adorable, is she having a graduation party?

    Prayers for your friend's grandson and family.

    Happy Thanksgiving

  3. Too cute! I haven't even met Katie but she always melts my heart!


  4. Oh how adorable. I would love to have seen the high five Donna! I saw the post about Diana's grandbaby and I'm praying hard.
    Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours!

  5. Congratulations Miss Katie!
    Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family.

  6. Oh Katie, how fast you are growing up! Donna, you have the most wonderful heart to want to have her go through the therapy training. She will make so many happy and so will you. I can see them all glittered and tails wagging!
    Happy Thanksgiving to you and your hubby and of course, Katie.

  7. Katie will be a perfect therapy dog. Congratulations on her training. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving, Donna.

  8. Congratulations to Katie on her graduation. I took my Border Collie to Petsmart and he did very well also.
    Yes, Diana told me about her grandson and I will be praying for him and the family.
    Have a wonderful Thanksgiving and a hug and kiss to Katie.

  9. Donna what a darling pic of Katie in her graduation cap. So glad she has done so well and learned a lot.

    My heart is breaking for Diana after visiting and reading last night that her grandson is so sick. My prayers and thoughts will be on going.

    Wishing you a very Happy Thanksgiving. Blessings always.

  10. What a sweet picture of Katie on her graduation day! Congratulations. How nice that you're considering her as a therapy dog!

    Happy Thanksgiving!
    Love, Karen

  11. LOL- Now if we could only train husbands like we train puppies we would be all set! Love it!!!! xo Diana


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