Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Exciting News!

Bonjour Mes Amis!
Hope you are having a great week so far!
A few weeks ago, I was contacted by the Creative Marketing Director of DecoArt.  She found me thru my Etsy shop, and wondered if I would like to be a part of their Design Team.  DecoArt would send me products to try (they produce some amazing decorative paints, specialty finishes, and more), and I would create pieces for them.  Some I could keep or sell in my shop if I chose, other pieces would end up as sample work in craft stores such as Michael's or Hobby Lobby, as well as appear at their trade shows.  
Hmmmm, let me think about it............
  Let's see, receive a bunch of products to play with, and get paid for my creations????
Yes, Yes, Yes!!!
At first I thought that this was just too good to be true, maybe this was just someone's idea of a joke??
When I discovered that it was indeed true, I let myself get excited!
I honestly thought that I would be receiving just a small bottle or jar of paint for starters.
Well, look what the UPS man delivered to me yesterday!
 Wow!  I could hardly believe my eyes!  I was literally squealing with excitement as I opened box after box of paint.  Over 3 dozen jars of their Chalky Finish Paint, decorative finishes, waxes, and more!

 And dozens of little bottles of their craft paint, in a rainbow of colors!
 It felt like an early Christmas here at the Chateau!
 And, if that weren't enough, a huge stack of gorgeous stencils.  I am in love with their amazing Frenchy stencils, I can hardly wait to try them out!
 So, I am super excited, not only for all of the wonderful products, but for the chance to create for DecoArt.
 To say that I am thrilled and flattered is putting it mildly!
Can't wait for my first "assignment"!
I'll be sure to share with you my creations:)
 Have a great day!


  1. Congrats!! I can't think of anyone better than you to do this! Lots of colors and the stencils...mai oui! You will enjoy this so much!

  2. Oh- Donna - I am SOOO very thrilled for you! Good for you! I knew you would eventually get discovered somehow along the way. You do such beautiful work...BUT....I can't BELIEVE that they didn't send you any glitter- Maybe that is coming in on a semi!!!! xo Diana

  3. That's great. I'm so excited for you. I can't wait to see everything you make!

  4. Donna I am so excited for you. Congrats on being on the design team for DecoArt. You are very talented and the company is blessed to have you.
    You are going to have so much fun and I can't wait to see your creations. Enjoy and have fun.
    Big hugs, Celestina Marie

  5. Wow Donna, that is so exciting! They definitely picked the right crafter to be on their team. Can't wait to see what you come up with!


  6. Donna, this is WONDERFUL! And you are the perfect creative person for the job! Have fun!!

  7. Wow!! It's about time somebody discovered you!! Congratulations, Donna!! How wonderful!
    What awesome stencils!
    I like Diana's comment about the glitter coming in a
    I'm anxious to see what you will be doing with all of your materials.
    I'm so happy that someone recognizes your talents, and is willing to give you a chance to show them off using their products.

  8. OMG, I would pee my pants I would be sooooo excited!! I can't imagine receiving all of that and their stencils look fabulous, I had no idea they were making such neat French stencils!!! Congratulations!!


  9. Oh my, I`m so happy for you. That paint and stencils looks fantastic. Have fun, Donna.


  10. Congratulations - how great! They picked the perfect person. Wow all the wonderful products they sent. You will be having a ball and I can hardly wait to see what you create. Just don't paint Katie LOL

  11. That is such exciting news! Way to go!! I'm super jealous by the way!

  12. WOW Donna! This is so exciting! What a great opportunity for you. As I'm looking at your photos of all the paints and Parisian stencils, all I can think is - it's so you! You will have a ball creating with this. Early Christmas for you indeed. Have a great time with the products and be sure to share your creations with us!

  13. How wonderfully WONDERFUL! Congrats on being on the design team for DecoArt. You are fabulous, Donna.

  14. Donna, I am impressed and thrilled for you. What an honor for you to have gotten this great opportunity. I can't wait to see what you create with all these wonderful things. I didn't know they made chalk paint or those fabulous Frenchy stencils. Happy creating. I would say Santa came early at the chateau.

  15. OMGosh, I'm along side Carol peeing my pants! Congratulations on your New assignment you are going to do great and have a Ball!! I have got to get my hands on a few of those Stencils~

    Huggs, Nancy

  16. I am so proud of you . . . wow!
    a blog, an Etsy shop and now a designer working with major stores.
    Good things happen to good people :)
    Keep Smiling,
    Your blogging sister, Connie :)

  17. Congratulations, but I am not surprised because you are truly an artist.

    So proud of you and so excited for you.


  18. I'm just now reading this post...WOW...SUPER WOW...CONGRATULATIONS!!! We can't wait to see your creations!!!
    Happy Thanksgiving!!!


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