Friday, November 11, 2011

French Farmhouse Wire Baskets

Hello Ladies,
It's a rainy day here in the Pacific Northwest, making it a great day to cozy up inside and stay warm and dry!
Whenever I am out treasure hunting, I'm always looking for interesting wire pieces that I can transform with paint and some embellishing.  So today I'd like to share with you two of my latest transformations.

 Oooh, la, la!  I am in love with this wire basket, which has neat wooden handles.  The basket was black when I found it, and while it was nice, I knew that it could become tres magnifique with my favorite creamy paint!
 Making tags are also one of my favorite things to create.  My Frenchy bird tag was created by tea dying a tag, adding a snippet of a page from a vintage French book, then some of my favorite stamped images.  Don't you just love this sweet little birdie?  Of course, I've got to get the glitter in somewhere, so I added a silk hydrangea blossom that I've glittered, as well as a tiny rhinestone for added bling.  I tied it on with some wonderfully crinkly taupe seam binding.

 The basket below was also black when I found it.  Isn't it amazing what paint can do?  Some distressing and another one of my French tags, and it's all set for your French farmhouse!

 I've put both of these baskets in my Etsy shop. And that can mean only one thing: I need to create some for myself to keep, as I am in love with them both!!

 Ok, the next photos have nothing in the least to do with baskets or French farmhouse anything!  But, I thought they were so beautiful that I couldn't resist sharing!  I took these shots of our sunset last night, and believe it or not, I've not retouched these photos!
 The bottom three photos were taken half and hour after the above shot.  Isn't it stunning?
 Notice the silhouette of the mountains in the background?  I took these shots from our window.  I would never get tired of this view!
 I just love the reflection of pinks and oranges on the Sound!
Hope you all have a terrific weekend!  I won't be on here much over the next few days, as hubby's nephew and his wife from California are going to be visiting us again for the weekend.  We are so excited to have them stay with us!  I'll catch up with you all in a few days!


  1. Oh gosh--I LOVE your baskets--and I adore that view--WOW!!!

  2. I'm comin' over! You want company for Thanksgiving? lol

  3. Your baskets are so pretty! The tags are such the perfect finishing touch!


  4. The baskets are wonderful!

    And the pictures are amazing! You are blessed to have this scene just from your window!


  5. Great job on the basket, Donna! They definitely have that French feel to them!! Just lovely!

    And so is the incredible sunset you snapped!! God creates some amazing artwork for us to enjoy, doesn't He?

    Hugs to you gal!
    Have a delightful weekend!

  6. love your cute it would make me want to buy something!

  7. Ok...I'm thinking wire baskets find you just like Syroco finds you. You have the knack for transforming them!!! Great job and great photos of the sunset!!!

  8. The baskets turned out really cute. You gave them your magic touch! That view is amazing. What great shots you got. I love all the warm orange and pink tones.

  9. So glad to have found your blog. I love the baskets! Much better white! I am now following. Looking forward to visiting again.
    Elizabeth @ The Porcelain Rose Come and visit me at:

  10. Oh Donna, the wire baskets look fantastic! You cast your magic spell and voila!. And I love the tags too.
    Your photos of the sunset are gorgeous. I am always amazed how gorgeous west coast sunsets are.
    I also viewed your pretty plaque in your previous post...again with your magic spell and voila! You are such a very creative person.
    Hope you're having a great weekend.

  11. The baskets are so pretty, Donna...I especially like the tall one. Your beautiful tags make them perfect for anyone with French or Shabby chic decor.

  12. I love the baskets. Your cards make the difference. Well done.


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