Sunday, December 12, 2010

Our Snowy Chateau

Greetings Ladies!
This morning we awoke to the most beautiful site at the Chateau!  The rain that we were having last night turned to a wet and heavy snow, turning everything into a winter wonderland!  I just came in from snapping these shots, so now I am warming up with a cup of hot cocoa.  The wind is really picking up, and more than once a bunch of that wet snow fell from the trees right smack dab on my face!  It was a bit cold, to say the least!  (You can click on each photo once to enlarge it if you want.)
Our Chateau
As you can see from our flag, it was really getting windy!
The view looking away from our house.  This pretty light has the most magical twinkling lights!!
The shrubs look so pretty in their blanket of snow!
I just love the way our retaining wall looks with all of the snow on it!!

That is one chilly looking little birdie!

View of our backyard and the woods behind our house.  So pretty and so peaceful!

A quick and easy arrangement of some greenery and pinecones.  I actually used faux snow on this.  It was my first time using the flocking, and I learned the hard way that it is best to spray it outside!  Boy, does that stuff make a mess!

Another snow shot, and a few birds braving the elements to dine at our feeders!
Hope you all are having a warm and cozy day!


  1. What a beautiful winter/holiday scene! Thanks for braving the elements to share with us!

  2. Isn't it amazing how snow transforms everything? I love the quiet it seems to create, and your place looks beautiful in the nice to have a bit of woods nearby...

  3. Oh my gosh--it is a "Winter Wonderland!" And your home is a true chateau!!! How gorgeous!!!

  4. Love your winter wonderland! So glad you were so brave to take in the face for blogland- LOL!
    Stay warm!
    Hugs- Tete

  5. Wonderful, so magic, I love snow:))
    Hugs, Biljana

  6. Such a beautiful setting. Your pictures are fabulous. The snow is whipping up pretty good in West MI. I'm ready for a good old fashioned white Christmas.

  7. Isn't it beautiful today? We have seen lots of birds out and of course the squirrels who are always scrounging for food. Keep warm!

  8. So beautiful, serene! I had to laugh about the spray snow~ I'll remember not to spray indoors! LOL! Your house does look like a chateau!

  9. What beautiful makes me homesick for Traverse this Christmas
    So pretty!!


  10. Beautiful pics Donna!!! We still are snow free (knock on wood!), sorry I laughed out loud abou the snow in the face thing, hehe.

  11. Sending you warm fuzzy sunny thoughts from the Sunshine State.

    Take good care,


    PS - they are calling for a hard freeze as far south as Ft Meyers tomorrow night. Might get frosty but no white stuff

  12. I love the pictures Donna! Thank goodness snow is pretty, right?

  13. Donna- Your house really does look like a chateau...with the big wrap around decking and the soaring center second story. I love it.

    Do you want to know that we have the same little birdbath? However, sadly, my little bird broke off and I now just have him propped up in there..and sometimes he takes a nose dive INTO the water!

    I love the view from your house..and I think you will have more snow to add to that by tomorrow night because I believe that our storm front is headed your way. Hugs-Stay Safe-Diana

  14. A beautiful winter wonderland. It looks so magical. Your chateau is gorgeous and it looks so Christmas-y. You have a beautiful yard and view.
    We have had a very warm day here in Southern California...way above normal at 87! However, in a couple of days it's going to get very chilly again.
    Thank you for sharing your beautiful winter wonderland with us.

  15. Your house is beautiful. And your yard is so large!! Just lovely. I would love to be in snow for a change!!!

  16. I hope you are handling the cold up there--your yard totally looks like a "Winter Wonderland!" Such beauty!!!


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