Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Puppies and Projects

Bon jour!
How is your spring going so far?
It's been cooler than normal here at the Chateau, but the sun is shining, the birds are singing, and the flowers are blooming!
So I thought that was the perfect time for a little visit with Molly.
 I took these pics last week, while Molly was enjoying a little break beneath the crab apple trees!
It was no easy feat trying to take her picture with one hand (while holding her leash with my other!) using just my cell phone, and getting her to hold still!
Not to mention look my way!
It was such a beautiful day, with a nice gently breeze.  The petals that were falling looked just like confetti that was being tossed!
 She is growing by leaps and bounds, and is really learning and soaking everything up!
At 3 1/2 months old, she will undoubtedly be a wild and crazy little puppy for quite some time!
Ok, moving on to a few projects of mine.........

I found these neat and very large candlesticks while treasure hunting a few weeks ago.
They didn't look this lovely when I discovered them, though!
They are made of metal, and very tall and heavy.
Anyway, around their middle sections was glued printed burlap.  I just didn't look right, and gave them a cheap feel, I thought.  I knew right away I could make them pretty.
Well, removing the burlap proved to be much more challenging that I thought!
It was glued on, and I must have spent well over an hour getting it, and the glue residue off!
Then came the fun part, the painting!
Using chalk paint, I gave them a special 6 step treatment to give a faux zinc look.
I had alot of fun with this project, and think they look so much better!
Just wish I had thought to take their before pic!
 I've been on an angel wing kick lately, and painted these sweet little cast iron cuties in a pretty soft pale pink.  It's hard to tell from my photo, but I added a final coat of shimmery pearlized paint, making them even more angelic!
 I used the same shade of pink to paint these metal wings, that feature a cross and heart in their center.
 This next pair of wings is huge!
They are wood, with unique metal "feather" accents.
I've painted them my signature creamy white chalk paint, and added some of the pearlized finish.

 They are massive, at 40" tall, and together weigh 13 pounds.
I think they would make quite a statement wherever they are hung!
 I've added all of the projects you see here in my Etsy shop, if you care to take a look!
Thanks so much for visiting, I do really appreciate it, and your comments!
Looking forward to seeing what you all have been up to!
In the mean time, I leave you with one more pic of Miss Molly.
I picked up this basket at the Salvation Army to not only store her toys in, but used it to bring her home when we first adopted her back in April.
The other day I spotted her as she had hopped in, and just had to run and grab my camera.
I couldn't resist taking a picture of her with her little paws crossed!
(she posed that way herself!)

Have a great rest of the week!