Wednesday, October 29, 2014

My Crafting Cubby

Hi everyone, hope you are having a great day!
You may have seen my crafting cubby before, but thought I would share with you again, since I've been busy sprucing that area of my craft room up!
 You know how one project can lead to another that you weren't planning on, and another, and so on?
Well, it all began with a pair of new pendant lights that my handy hubby recently hung for me about my workstation.
Prior to that, I had a pair of awful clip on lights, the kind where you can bend their necks.  Not only were they very inconvenient (I was always having to adjust them, as they liked to droop down), but they looks pretty tacky, and didn't put out the best lighting. 
So I am thrilled with my new lighting!  I can finally see what I am doing:)
But, that meant I also could see how badly my cubbies needed repainting.

 Oooops, keeping it real here!  I totally forgot to remove my black anti fatigue mat.  It may not be the prettiest, but it really saves my feet and back!
So a few weeks ago, I emptied out all of the contents of my cubbies.  I have 12 cubbies on each side of my work station, each holds crafting supplies, as well as goodies that are in my Etsy shop.
Of course that meant going thru each and every box, getting things cleaned out and  organized.
I couldn't believe what a difference a fresh coat of white paint made!
So then, my pegboard was looking a little sad and tired, so I decided to paint that as well!

Wow, that was quite a job!  First of course I had to remove everything from the pegboard.
Everything!  All of the shelves, supplies, and little hooks.
I then repainted it a slightly lighter shade of moss green (my very favorite shade of green!) than it was before.

 And the next afternoon was spent rehanging and reorganizing everything!
I really love my pegboard!  I am fortunate to have a large craft room
(You can take a tour my entire craft room here.), and this is only one corner of it.
But, if you are short on space and really would like a dedicated area to create, consider adding pegboard!
You could line the inside of a closet with it, or even the interior a large entertainment center.
I don't know about you, but I work best when I feel organized, and everything looks pretty, too!
Having the cubbies as well as the pegboard is super convenient!
Everything is at arms length, and friends who come over say it looks like a little store!
Glass jars (which formerly held jams, bruchetta toppings, etc) are perfect for holding bits and bobs. 
I spray painted all of their lids black for a neater and more cohesive look.
A few milk glass pieces from my collection are handy and hold things such as my business cards.
I am so happy that I tackled this project. One of the best parts is that I already had the white and green paint on hand, so the only cost was the new lights!
I also really love this little wooden cabinet, that I found when we lived in Washington State.
Of course I had to paint it my favorite creamy white!
It holds tags that I've created, as well as my glitter stash.
 They don't call me the "Glitter Queen" for nothing!
 I've also been on the hunt for pretty little clear glass vintage salt and pepper shakers.
I just love the way they look filled with glitter!
Yes, it's true, I am addicted to Martha Stewart's glitter!

Cute little wire front drawers are the perfect place to stash crafting supplies, such as these silk flowers!

 You can find the hooks for pegboard at pretty much any hardware store.  They usually come in sets.
Pretty tired wire basket that I picked up at a thrift shop, makes for handy storage.
The side of my cubby is also covered in pegboard.  
I've hung a little wire organizer from it, as well as some frames from my shop.
Hubby hung the pendant lights so that if we do move (no luck so far selling our home),
I can take them with us.  So that is why you see the electrical cord hanging down, he didn't want to run the wiring thru the ceiling.
I want to hang something above the pegboard to conceal the cord, 'cause it's not all that pretty!
So now when I tell you I've been playing in my craft room, you can picture me here!!

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Creamy, Dreamy Lace and Ribbon Garland

I had so much fun making the pink fabric garland that I shared with you earlier this week, I just couldn't wait to create another one!
For this garland, I wanted something that was all about the lace and ribbons. Something that was totally dreamy and romantic!
 Made from gorgeous cream lacy fabric, ribbons, and pretty lace ribbon, I am thrilled with the way it turned out!  I just finished my little "photo shoot" out in the yard, and was so thankful for some much needed sunshine!
This is one big garland, which I've hand tied "streamers" that I cut by hand from beautiful lace fabric.  I also added in some pretty wide lacy ruffles, and am loving the contrast they give.

 The piece de la resistance is this pretty fabric and lace flower, also made by moi.
I tied the flower on the garland, so it can be removed and enjoyed separately, or re positioned on the garland.
 The sun streaming thru the lace and sheer ribbon was just magical!
 I made this for my Etsy shop (I'll be putting it in there tonight), but you can be sure that I'm going to create one of these beauties just for myself!
 I think it would add a fun and oh so feminine and romantic touch to my craft room.
 I can imagine this lacy confection as a beautiful backdrop for wedding photos, for a pretty and one of a kind accent in a little girls room, or hung outside as a festive touch at garden parties.
 I think I'll also be creating more of these flowers, maybe to use as pretty lapel pins.

 It is even prettier in person, if I do say so myself!

 I had so much fun creating it!

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

I Tied One On!

No, it's not what you're thinking!
I've been busy creating fabric garlands, and this is my very first creation!
I had so much fun making it from pretty pink striped seersucker, sweet pink and white gingham checked material, white eyelet, lace, and other fabric.  All of that tearing of the fabric to create the strips was really a great stress reliever! (tee hee!!)
I tied all of the strips onto a long length of waxed twine, and this is what I came up with...........
 It was such a fun project, and a nice departure from my usual painted and glittered creations!
 I added this gorgeous silk blossom just for fun!
 I think this garland would be adorable hung in a little girl's room or nursery.  Or used at a party, baby or bridal shower, hung from the dessert or gift table.  I've even seen the garlands used as backdrops for professional photos, which looks super sweet!  How about hanging it outdoors, tied between two trees, for a garden party?  How pretty would that be, with the fabric "streamers" and lace fluttering in the breeze?

I will be placing this in my Etsy shop tonight, if you want to take a peek!

 I'm also currently working on an all lace and ribbon garland, I'll be sure to share that with you when I finish!
Have a great day!

Saturday, October 18, 2014

A Visit to Mackinac Island, Michigan

Hi everyone, hope you are having a great week!
Care to travel with me "Somewhere in Time?"
 Last Saturday, hubby and I, along with my nephew and his wife, flew to Mackinac Island, Michigan.  It is one of our very favorite places in our state, and something we Michiganders are very proud of!
Before I share my pics of the island, I'll show you some photos I snapped along the way.
(warning, lots of photos here!  So grab your cup of coffee, hot cocoa, Diet Coke, or other beverage of choice, and come along for the ride!)
 It was a perfect day for flying, nice and sunny, and the flight was smooth as silk!
The colors were just gorgeous.  Fall is one of my favorite times to fly!
 Colors around mid state were at their peak, and just stunning!

 So pretty!
 It's fun flying above the clouds!
 I love this pic that I snapped off the wing tip!
 Here we are, almost there.  The island lies in the "Straits of Mackinac", the point at which Lake Huron and Lake Michigan meet.
 If you look closely, you can see the Mackinac Bridge in the distance.
(click any photo to zoom in)
 Getting closer.............
 Downtown, and the Grand Hotel.
Just look at that amazing blue water!

 One of my very favorite parts about the island is that no cars are allowed!
So that means you walk, ride a bike, or get around via horse and carriage.
One of the islands claims to fame is that it was the setting for the Christopher Reeve/Jane Seymour movie
"Somewhere in Time".
It truly does feel as if you are stepping back in time! 
 We couldn't get over how beautiful the fall colors were!
 Approaching the runway.
But wait, it appears that the runway ends right in the water!
No worries!  It is an optical illusion!
 Here's another nice shot I took of the bridge before coming in for a landing.
 And here is our ride!
That is my and my handsome pilot hubby:)
 The island has some gorgeous homes and mansions. This is one of my favorites.  Love the porch and pretty blooms!

 I think this house, below is my favorite (if I had to pick just one!).
Look closely and you will notice the ceiling of the front porch is painted sky blue, with hand painted clouds!
I can so see myself there enjoying my morning coffee, or sipping a glass of wine and enjoying the sunset!
 Reminders of a gentler era.................
 The Grand Hotel.  Hubby and I have been lucky enough to spend the night there on previous trips.  Built in the late 1800's, it is truly amazing!
 It boasts the "World's Longest Porch", at 600', I believe.
 We were amazed at all of the flowers still blooming in mid October.
 Like this gorgeous dahlia!
 Pretty stone church.
Many couples get married on the island.
We rented bikes and road around the island.  It was great exercise, but boy was it cold!
The wind coming off the lake is more than a bit chilly!
 A view of the fort. which was originally built by the British in 1814.
Here is a view of downtown.  The island is known for their many fudge shops (yum!). 
We took a horse "taxi" back to the airport that night, first dropping passengers off at 
The Grand.  It looked to elegant lit up at night.
 Sunset over the bridge made for the perfect ending of a great day!
Thanks so much for joining me on my little tour!