Friday, September 26, 2014

Greetings From Maine!

Hi everyone!
We just returned from two weeks of camping in our motor home on the East Coast, and I have many photos to share of our trip!
 The highlight of our vacation was our time spent in Maine.  Here Katie and I are playing "peek-a-boo" in the quaint fishing village of Belfast, where we stopped and shared a grilled crab and cheese sandwich for lunch.  Yum!
 It was a bit cool and overcast, and since no one else was sitting on the patio, they let us bring Katie to a table.
 We spent 5 nights camping in Bar Harbor, which was our very favorite!
Below you will see the bay, a breathtaking view of islands, mountains, and pretty boats.
 A beautiful inn right on the water.
 Their landscaping was just gorgeous!
 Hubby in a charming gazebo.  I just love all of the gingerbread trim!
 I couldn't resist snapping a shot of this cute pastry shop!
 Maine must be famous for their "whoopie pies", as they are everywhere!
My mom used to make these when I was a little girl, but we always called them "whoopie cookies".  Makes my mouth water just thinking about it!
 This is our campsite where we spent 5 wonderful nights.  We first stayed here at this very campground 8 years ago, on our first big trip in our old motor home.
 And this was our view looking out the window!  Frenchman's Bay, which opens to the sea.
I just loved the mountains in the distance.  I snapped this shot at sunset.  We faced eastward, but were lucky to have a beautiful sky each night as the sun went down.
 The highlight of our entire trip was our visit to Acadia National Park, on Mount Desert Island.  We loved it the first time we visited, and knew we wanted to come back again one day.  We are so glad we did!  It is even more beautiful than we remember!!
Below is hubby and Katie (she was having a blast!), with stunning views of the sea, islands, and pine trees.
 We had a delicious seafood dinner one night, just down the road.
It was right on the water, and the views were amazing.
 (A goofy shot of me!)
I have many more photos to share in upcoming posts, including lots more of Acadia, the quaint little fishing villages that make up Mount Desert Island, and even a visit to a "Castle in the Clouds" mansion in New Hampshire!
Stay tuned:)
Have a great weekend!