Sunday, December 30, 2012

Happy New Year!

Bonne Annee!
Happy New Year!
Wishing you all a wonderful and peace filled new year!

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Looking Back

It sure is hard to believe that the year is coming to a close, isn't it?  I am more than ready for a fresh start, a new beginning!  That's how I like to view the new year, anyway.  But before I look ahead, I like to see where I've been.
It has been a wild and crazy year, full of plenty of challenges and changes.  And adventures, too!
I've shared my three tiered vintage wooden pedestal quite a few times with you all.  One of my favorites was this cute Easter arrangement.  Love that sweet vintage chalkware bunny! As for the adventure part, hubby and I enjoyed Maui over the holidays last year.
I am really missing those amazing sunsets over the Puget Sound.  The photo on the top right (below) was taken from our living room when we were living in Washington State.

We left those gorgeous views of the Sound and the snow covered Olympic Mountains (above, left), to return to our home state of Michigan.  We journeyed over 3,000 miles in our motor home, and saw so many beautiful sights along the way!
Of course, I spent alot of time painting and glittering this past year!  I've created many chalkboards, but I must say that large one above is my absolute favorite!  I sold that one, but if I ever get so lucky to find another frame like that vintage one, I am keeping it for myself!
I also added many pieces to my milk glass collection.

The highlight of our year was our trip to Paris and the French countryside this fall.  Oooh, la, la!
I also shared with you my new "friend" Natasha, the French inspired mannequin who keeps me company in my craft room!
Both myself and our sweet cocker spaniel Emily had surgery this year.
Lots of changes.  I am worn out just thinking of it all!
But, I am very thankful for what we have, for all that God has blessed us with.
I'm also very thankful for you!  You all have been so encouraging, so full of inspiration and support!
Here's wishing you all a very Happy New Year!

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Vintage Milk Glass Gifts

Bonjour Mes Amis!
How was your Christmas?  I hope that you all had a wonderful one!  Hard to believe that it's already over with, isn't it?  
Today I wanted to share with you a set of gorgeous vintage milk glass that I received from my sister.
She had purchased this large hobnail pitcher and four goblets earlier this summer, for use at my niece's wedding. Well, when I saw it at her house, I fell in love with it!  My sister joked that when they were thru using it, I would be receiving it for Christmas!  (fine by me!)

 I love milk glass, and have quite a few pieces in my collection, so I am super excited to add these beauties to it as well!
 I can envision so many beautiful uses for the pitcher and glasses.  Imagine them holding big bouquets of daisies in the summer!
 Or serving lemonade, or even ice water, with floating slices of lemon?
 I've got a funny story to tell you about this darling little pitcher.  When I was unwrapping the large pitcher, I mentioned to my sister that I had just saw a matching small hobnail pitcher at the thrift store a week or so ago, and I wished that I had bought it. Well, she asked me which thrift store I noticed it in, and I told her the GoodWill.  Guess what??!  She bought that exact pitcher for me!!!  Yes, the very little pitcher from that very GoodWill!  How funny is that?
 Oh, did I mention how much I love this set?
Looking forward to getting caught up with all of you, have a great day!

Monday, December 24, 2012

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Wishing You A Very Sparkly Christmas

It seems that the time goes by faster and faster each year, doesn't it?  I am amazed that Christmas time is here once again, how did that happen so quickly?!
Wishing you a Christmas full of peace and sparkly wonder.

Vintage Shiney Brites, most of which belonged to hubby's mom.  I love the way they look all heaped in my big apothecary jar!

It's hard to pick a favorite, but I think I would narrow it down to the bright blue ornaments, and the oval pink one, that is in the very center.
Keeping it simple here, with a bit of a French touch.  I've added copies of French Christmas postcards to a frame that I already had.

My little curio cabinet, which a friend found this summer at a garage sale for me.  It was a dark brown finish, and looked more than a little tired!  Several coats of heirloom white and she is all freshened up, and sporting a few Christmasy touches.
Isn't this little glass cloche with the glittery house and bottle brush trees sweet?
One of my vintage silver creamers with a few tiny vintage ornaments.  Love!
Sweet little angel.
My glittery snow man is one of my very favorites!
More French touches, including a tiny Eiffel Tower from Paris underneath a sweet little glass cloche.  I made the decoupaged square wooden plates (in the background) last year.

More glittery creamy goodness!
One of my little peat pots.  I made a bunch of these for gifts this year, and just had to keep one for myself!
A copy of vintage French Christmas sheet music, compliments of the Graphics Fairy.
And last of all, a garland around the kitchen door that I made a few years ago.
Having family over tonight for our Christmas festivities.  Hope to get caught up with you all tomorrow to see what you've been up to!
Merry (almost!) Christmas!

Thursday, December 20, 2012

O Christmas Tree

It's hard to believe that Christmas is a short 5 days away, isn't it? While some of you are getting hit by a snowstorm, here at the chateau we are getting rain, lots of rain!
Hopefully that will turn to snow so that we can at least have a dusting for Christmas.
We always like a get a big tree each year for the living room. This year's tree tops out at 11' tall!

 The above picture is with the lamp on.
 And this is just by the light of the tree.  Magical, I think.
 One of my glittered French postcard ornaments that I made a few years ago.
 Oh, I should warn you, lots of photos today!
 I have quite a few angel ornaments on the tree. This sweet one makes me think of the newest little angels in heaven from Connecticut.

 Cute dog ornament with a photo of our Emily as a puppy.
 I love this ornament!  It is of a "snowdog" snowman!
 One of my beaded icicle ornaments.
 More glittery goodness.

 Love this crystal ornament from my mom!  Makes me think of a chandelier!
 Cute plane ornament is a nod to hubby and his airplane.
 The ornament on the left is one of my favorites.  I also love the metal icicle ornament, it shimmers and shines in the light.  My sister gave me a set of them last year, handmade by a tinsmith.
 Ornament that I made from a milkweed pod.

 More sweet angels.

 I love this one below, a gift from hubby.  It is on a spinning mechanism, so she twirls around.

 I laid on the floor to take this photo of the tree!
Thanks for joining my on my little tour!
Wishing you and your family a Merry Christmas!
Joining the following parties:
Common Ground Vintage Inspiration Friday