Monday, April 30, 2012

On the Road Again!

 Bon Jour, Mon Amis!  In a few short days, hubby and I will be headed back home to Michigan in this.  The movers are loading up all of our things as I write.  Thank goodness we have out motor home to hang out in!  This past year has sure been an eventful one!  If you've been visiting me for awhile, you know just how difficult it was for me to move out here, leaving everything behind that I loved, and move to a place that I didn't know a soul.  Well, little did I know, I would fall in love with our little slice of paradise here in the Pacific Northwest!  And while I hate to leave, I am ready to go home.
Last week, a week that should have been all about packing, instead was spent on the couch sick.  I had a very nasty flu bug all week, and was sicker than I had been in years!  Not very good timing!
So I am very relieved and thankful that we finally got everything packed up!
 I can hardly wait to get back to our own home and yard.  I've missed my faux stone patio, and all of my gardens!
 I imagine that after a years worth of neglect, it will take some time to get them looking this good again!
 Though I will dearly miss the sunsets over the Sound............
 And the gorgeous snow covered Olympic Mountains...............
 I'm ready to go back here, to our very own home that we love!
 And to resume our flying adventures in hubby's plane.................
 And see aerial views like this near our home.................
 And pick lots of bouquets!  I've missed my flowers!  And of course family and friends, too!
So for the next few weeks, I'll be posting of our adventures on the road, our 3,000 mile plus trek home!  We'll be leaving here on Wednesday (snif, snif!).  Bon voyage!

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Bed Crowns

Bon jour, Mon Amis!
Nothing adds a touch of French Country flair to a bedroom quite like a bed crown.  I've always loved the look, and there are so many wonderful (and inexpensive!) ways that you can create one for your own bed!  For the inspiration here today, I visited and Pinterest, both of which have some amazing ideas.  I really love the iron bed crown in the photo above.  The addition of the white sheers makes it even more romantic and feminine, I think!
This bed crown is truly fit for royalty!  I'm in love with the crown print  hanging between the curtains.
More dreamy romance!
The bedroom below looks straight out of the French country side, don't you think?  I love the addition of the small mirror hanging above the bed, and of course that chandelier is tres chic!  I especially adore the curtain treatment hanging from the bed crown.  I think with a bit of sewing skills (which I am sadly lacking in!) and some inexpensive fabric remnants, or even sheets, you could easily recreate this look!
Now this is something that I've not seen before.  Rounded curtain rods have been hung at the windows, creating the look of bed crowns.  How pretty!
Ok, sorry for the blurry shot below!  I took this photo when hubby and I toured the Chateau Fontainebleau a few years ago.  The chateau is just right outside of Paris, and is every bit as awe inspiring as the much more crowded Versailles.  Can you imagine waking up in this every morning?
I recently painted this pretty metal shelf a pretty heirloom white.  While its original purpose is a wall shelf, I think that flipped upside down and mounted on the wall above a bed, it would make a stunning bed crown!  I really love the scalloped border, and the punched out design.
Right now it's in my Etsy shop, where I currently am having a 25% off everything sale!  We are moving cross country in a few short weeks, and I need to downsize!  I'm not advertising this sale in my shop, just here for you.  All you need to do is add the following code upon checkout to receive your discount:  blogger25

I'm linking up with Faded Charm for White Wednesday
Be sure to visit!
Bon Soir!

Monday, April 16, 2012

I Love a Good Sale!

Don't you???!

In preparation for my upcoming cross country move, I am offering a 25% off everything in my Etsy shop!
 French country tray.  Oooh, la, la!
 Beach Cottage blue wooden candle holders.
 Because I love all things beachy!
 Large ornate shabby chic chalkboard.
 Pretty and oh so practical!
 Beachy blue candlesticks and frame set.  Painted my very favorite shade of blue!
 And aquamarine vintage candle sconces.  These are just a few of the many goodies that you will find in my shop!
I'm not advertising this sale in my Etsy shop, just here for all of my blogging friends:)
So, just enter the following code upon checkout, to receive 25% off from your entire order (not including shipping):  blogger25

Have a great day!

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Camping Fun!

Bon jour, Mon Amis!
Hope you are having a great weekend!
I am so excited!  Hubby and I finally found a gently used motor home, that we just bought yesterday!
If you've been with me awhile, you know how much we love camping (rv-ing is my idea of roughing it!!), and that was how we got out here to Washington State. Well, we sold our old rv as soon as we moved here, and planned to buy another one. We finally found a nice one, that fit our budget, and was just what we were looking for!
 We purchased it way over on the Olympic Peninsula, which is a several hour drive, plus a ferry ride from here.  We love that this motor home has a slide out (which our old motor home was lacking).  When it's out, the living space feels so much larger!  It's amazing what a difference just a few more feet makes.
 Taking the car ferry is always a fun adventure in and of itself!  It was a gorgeous sunny day, and the views of the snow covered Olympic Mountains were just spectacular!  The photo below just does not do it justice!
 Thankfully, a friend of hubby's offered to drive us over, so that hubby and I could ride back in the motor home together.  Of course we had to include our fur baby Emily.  She is always up for an adventure!

 Sorry the tint is so blue on the shot below!  I took it thru the tinted windshield of the motor home, as we were in line waiting to board the ferry!
 Here we are, driving up onto the ramp, on our maiden voyage!

 On the ferry ride home, someone was tossing bread crumbs into the air, and sea gulls were diving for them!  It was so fun to watch!  They flew right along side the ferry, and would fight to see who could get to the crumbs the soonest!  They were flying so fast, it was hard to get a good shot of them!

And safely back at home!  We really love it, and can't wait for our next adventure.  We will be moving back to Michigan in a few weeks, and this is going to be our home away from home for the 2,500 miles back!  We plan on taking our time on the return trip, so it will feel more like a vacation!
Hope you have a great week!

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Mirrored Candle Sconces

Bon jour, Mon Amis!
You may have noticed how much I love mirrors. And candle holders.  Combine the two, and I am in heaven!
I found this pair a few weeks ago, while out treasure hunting in down town Seattle.  Of course, they didn't start out life looking like this!  Oh, no!
 This is their "before". While I thought they were pretty, they weren't quite the look that I was going for.
 So, I began by adding these gorgeous wooden appliques.  I really love adding these to projects, to create interest and give a more "vintage" feel and character, too!
 Since light blue is my very favorite color, I painted them a soft baby blue.  Love this shade!
 While I would love to keep them, I will be adding them to my Etsy shop. Since we are moving soon, I just can't keep everything!  ***sigh***
 Here's one last look!  Now go out and find something that you can transform, and have fun with it!
I'm linking up with Debra over at Common Ground, for Vintage Inspiration Friday. Be sure to visit, for tons of inspiring ideas!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Baa Baa Black Sheep!

Bon jour, Mon Amis!
Nothing says the arrival of spring like new baby lambs.  One of our neighbors has a pair of pet lambs, one of which gave birth to not one, but two little black lambies last week!
So, I couldn't resist paying them a visit this afternoon for a quick photo shoot!
 Taking the photos proved to be a bit more challenging than I imagined! When they weren't napping, they were busy chasing Mama around, trying to get an afternoon snack!
 Is this little guy cute or what?
 Mama was being very protective of her babies, too!  Whenever I tried to snap their photos (from the other side of their pen, of course), she would try her best to come between the babies and the fence!

 The other ewe, on the other hand, was quite inquisitive, and followed me all over.  I think she was wondering when I was going to take a picture of her!
 More cuteness!
 Awww!  Look at that little pink tongue!

 Mama was beginning to look a bit weary, either from all of my snapping away, or else from her babies constant nursing!

A mother's work is never done!
Hope you all have a great day!