Monday, May 30, 2011

Let's Visit Pike Place Market!

Hello Ladies,
Hope you had a great long Memorial Day weekend!
On Saturday, hubby and I visited the famous Pike Place Market in Seattle.  It had been several years since we had been there, and I was so excited to be going again!  If you are ever in the Seattle area, this is a must see!  But, I would advise that unless you love crowds (I don't!), to avoid Saturdays!  It was a zoo when we were there!  There were so many people that it was difficult to walk, let alone take pictures!  i don't do well in crowds, so I was getting a bit frazzled, to say the least!
 We later discovered why the market was so busy, after spotting a row of tour buses parked down the street.  The cruise ship people had all made a pit stop to the market on their way to Alaska!
 The market may be best known for their flying fish!  Yes, you heard that right, I said flying fish!  More about that in a bit.  First, I had to sooth my jangled nerves with a glass of wine at the Athenian, the restaurant that one of my favorite movies "Sleepless in Seattle" filmed many of their scenes!
 Sorry this is such a dark shot.  The restaurant overlooks the harbor, which affords great views of the sail boats and ferries.
 Ok, after my glass of pinot grigio, I felt much more equipped to handle the elbow to elbow crowds!
 Lots of brilliantly colored blooms for sale!
 Aren't these bouquets just gorgeous?!
 The market is a great place to buy fresh fruits and veggies at the peak of their perfection!!
 Here is a glimpse of the famous flying fish market!
 I was drooling over the yummy looking berries.
 Ok, now on to the flying fish, that unfortunately I did not get a picture of, due to the crowds!  I don't know the history of how it began, but at this particular market, which has been featured on tv, they throw the fish into the crowds for people to catch!  I'm talking huge, whole fish! It is hilarious to watch, and the fishmongers put on quite the show!  It was worth battling the crowds just to watch them entertain us!!

 After the market, we walked to our favorite restaurant downtown, Anothony's on pier 66.  They have amazing fish and seafood, not to mention gorgeous views of the Sound!

Hope you enjoyed your little tour of the market!  Hopefully next time it won't be as crowded, so I can share more photos with you.  
Have a great week!

Friday, May 27, 2011

Al Fresco Dining on the Puget Sound, and a Winner!

Hello Ladies,
Yesterday it was such a nice and sunny day, I thought it would be fun to set the table outside for a seaside dinner.  Our new "home away from home" is perched high upon a bluff overlooking the beautiful Puget Sound, and the views are just amazing!
 Warning, lots of pictures here!!!

 Who says you can't use your best lace tablecloth on a chippy old wooden table?
 Vintage aqua blue glass mason jars make great votive holders!  A good idea on a windy day!
 As a last minute idea, I cut a few snippets of burlap from the coffee sack I bought last weekend and made little coasters.  Easy peasy!
 A few more little bits of burlap, some hot glue, and shells from our beach made fun little napkin rings.  I love the contrast of the dainty white vintage linen napkins against the ruff burlap!!
 A romantic setting indeed!
 You might not be able to see the little bee motif on the glass carafe below.  We found the carafe on a trip to Paris a few years ago.  The honeybee was one of Napoleon's symbols, and signifies royalty!
 Playing around a bit with Picnik!
 I bought this pretty white wooden tray at a church rummage sale a few years ago for a mere $2!  Shabbiliscious!
 Vintage apothecary bottles are great stand ins for bud vases!  I found the cute little white wire carrier last weekend at the show in Snohomish.  A few sea shells and driftwood add to the beachy appeal.
 The rhododendron and azaleas are in their glory right now!  I used some of my milk glass collection to showcase them.
 One of my friend's sent me this pretty aqua hanging candleholder.  Love it!

 All set to watch the sunset over the sound!
 See, I told you there were lots of pictures in this post!  I got a little snap happy!

 Seated side by side to take in the views!
 I showed you the other day this gorgeous quilted runner, that my sister sent me.  She did a fabulous job creating it, and I think the colors are just perfect for our sea side supper table!
 Love the way the light casts shadows at this time of the early evening!
Tray chic!
 I am in love with vintage blue Mason jars!  I use them for everything from storing doggie treats, to displaying shells, to vases for fresh flowers.
 Ok, now on to drawing for my French themed giveaway!  Since I couldn't figure out how to do the random generator thingy, I did it the super high tech way!  haha!  Don't worry, that is not my hairy hand you see!  I enlisted the help of hubby to draw the name.  Ok, drum roll please...................

The winner is:  Judy of French Laundry!  Congratulations, Judy!  Just email me with your mailing address, and I will send your package out right away!
I'm linking up with the following parties:
Faded Charm White Wednesday
Between Naps on the Porch Tablescapes Thursday

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Turquoise Love, and a Special Gift!

Hello Ladies!
Do you love turquoise as much as I do?  Well, today I thought I'd share with you a few of my "turquoise transformations"! 
This pair of once very plasticy looking vintage Syroco candle sconces got a much needed makeover!
 This is what they used to look like!  Not so attractive, huh?!
 I love mixing paint colors, and especially like this vibrant and cheery turquoise that I created!
 Some distressing and an antiquing glaze, and I think now they actually look like carved wood!
 The azaleas and rhododendrons in our yard have been so gorgeous, that I couldn't resist doing a photo shoot of this pair of tall wooden candlesticks outside!
 Unfortunately, I don't have a before picture, but trust me when I say these babies needed help!  Layers and layers of paint and a very bad finish had to come off, before they could really show their true beauty!
 I've got these, and the Syroco sconces in my Etsy shop, if you care to look.
The other day, I received the most wonderful gift in the mail from my sister!  She made me this gorgeous quilted runner for my birthday, and I just love it!  My sister is a quilter extraordinaire, (unfortunately I didn't inherit her sewing gene!) and did a beautiful job on the runner.

She embellished it with yo-yos and buttons.  Love!!!  I also really love the colors, they are perfect!
But the best part is the Paris themed fabric that she chose!  Oooh, la, la!  I am loving the Eiffel Tower!
Notice all of the pretty stitching, too.  I wish that I had the patience to sew!
As a reminder, if you haven't already entered my French Themed giveaway, today is your last chance!  You can do so here:)
Have a great day!  Now, go out and create something, bake something, sew something, or just have fun!!!

I am linking up with the following great parties:  
Finding Fabulous Frugalicious Friday

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Treasury Hunting Fun!

Bon jour, mon Amis!
Hope you all are having a great week!
The other day, I showed you the trip I took to the Snohomish Antiques and Craft Faire. Well, today I'd like to share with you some of the goodies that I purchased, as well as some neat things that I have found while thrifting lately (or,  "treasure hunting", as I like to refer to it as!!).
I was thrilled to discover a bunch of neat coffee bags a vendor had at the sale!  I have no idea what I will do with it, but I knew that I would regret not bringing one home!  I didn't open it up 'til I got home, and was very excited to see that it is from Hawaii, and contained Kona beans!  Hawaii is a very special place to me, as hubby and I were married on the island of Kauai nearly 11 years ago!
 So, if any of you ladies have some ideas of what I can do with this bag, I would love to hear it!
 I purchased several things from a guy that was selling antique and vintage items.  I am always on the prowl for Syroco anything!  So I quickly scooped these pieces up!  They are going to get a major transformation though with some paint and distressing!!!
 I also bought from him this really pretty wooden box.  I'm not sure if it's very old or not, but I just love the shape of it, and while I really love the painting, too, I have other plans for it! (hint: it involves decoupage!!)

 Hubby gave me this adorable wire basket that he bought at the sale as an early birthday present.  It's lined with moss and filled with pansies (one of my favorite flowers!)
 Here is a close up.  When the flowers are "kaput", I can have fun playing with the basket!
 Aren't these pansies gorgeous??!!!!
 At a local thrift shop, I found the most adorable little vintage frog!  For only a buck, I just couldn't pass it up!  I stuck a mermaid postcard in it, and put together a little sea side themed vignette.  Love!
 I have one other vintage floral frog.  Hmmmm.....I see a collection in the works!!
 Since we have moved here to Washington State, I've been hitting the Syroco jackpot!  I am crazy about Syroco, not in its original (and usually gaudy gold) state, but after it's been transformed and shabbified!!  I was so excited to find the bird and floral set at an antique shop in town.  While it cost alot more than I usually would spend, I've been looking for this exact set for awhile, and just couldn't pass it up!
 Aaaaahhhh!  Much better after the "shabby treatment", don't you think?  I am going to be putting this in my Etsy shop, but I think I might as well enjoy it in the mean time!!!
 The details of the pieces are amazing!  What a difference paint makes!
 I think these little birdies are breathing a sigh of relief!!
 I forgot to take before pictures of my next Syroco pieces, which I found on two separate outings. They were that same "wonderful" gaudy gold.  So, after painting and distressing, I think they look oh, so much better!  I've placed both of these sets on my Etsy shop.

 Here's a close up of the flower basket.  Isn't it pretty?

As a reminder, if you haven't already entered my French themed giveaway, and are a current follower, please be sure to do so here!!!

That's it!  Have a great night!