Sunday, February 27, 2011

Thank You, and an Award

Hello Ladies,

Sorry that I have not been around much lately.  If you read my last post, you are aware that we are planning on relocating to the Seattle area, for hubbys job.  I want to send a big thanks to all of you for your prayers and support during this stressful time.  It means more to me than I can ever say!  
We went there last week for a few days, in search of a place to live. Well, we didn't make very much headway, as for one, there just aren't many homes available for rent, (since we will keep our house here, we are not in a position to buy another home there), and boy, did we get sticker shock!  The cost of living is much higher there than it is here in the Midwest.  So it has only served to add to all of the stress. Also, the area is very congested, and the expressways remind us of crowded LA freeways.  Coming from a semi rural area, that is a huge shock!  We did manage to find a cute little Victorian style town, called Snohomish.  We took a much needed break from all of the stress, and ventured in to several neat shops there.  Of course I had camera in hand, and I thought I would share with you some of the gorgeous things that I saw.
 I was drooling over this shop.  Look at that French inspired burlap covered chair.
 Of course you know how much I love chandeliers!  This one was just gorgeous!
 And here is another neat chair.  It looks so comfy-cozy.
 A cute birdcage, and a neat memo board.  What a fun idea, just add chicken wire to an old frame!

 And you know how much I adore glitter!  These vases were drenched in it!  And they were adorned with the most beautiful rosettes made from vintage sheet music.  I really want to try my hand at making some of those.

 We have that same exact map of Paris, except I like their frame better than the one ours is in!
 Lots of chippy white furniture and pretty pillows.  I could have bought one of everything!

 I thought this lamp shade was neat, made from old book pages.  And I really love the framed corkscrew graphics below.  They were printed on old book pages.  Sounds like a fun project.

 I knew you ladies would be excited over this adorable paper "dress"!  How cute is that?!
And I fell in love with not only all of the treasures on this bookcase, but the bookcase itself.  The inside is lined with vintage sheet music.  Love it.
I'll share more pictures with you another time.

I also was happy to receive the nicest "His Light in The World" award from my two sweet friends, Tete and Cindy.  They both gave me the same award, how cool is that?

So thank you both, I am honored to receive it!
As far as the move, right now everything still seems overwhelming, to be quite honest.  We are in limbo here, trying to figure all of the details out, not sure where we will live, and my stress level has been thru the roof. So I apologize for not getting around to visit many of you.  I look forward to the day when things don't seem so scary and out of control, and I can get back to blogging on a regular basis.  Just knowing that all of you are keeping me in your thoughts and prayers means the world to me!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Sleepless in Seattle

Hello Ladies,
I've not been hear for nearly a week, and I really have missed you all. I usually never talk about personal things going on, but I really feel the need to share with you some difficult things that I have been facing.  Last Wednesday, hubby was offered a position in Seattle.  His dream had always been to work for Boeing, and they made him an offer that he couldn't refuse.  We have both lived in Michigan all of our lives, and all but a few short months I have never lived more than half an hour from where I was born.  To leave my beloved home state of Michigan, the home and yard that I dearly love, my family and friends, and most of all, my 84 year old mom, is heart wrenching.

I should back up a bit and tell you that last summer, hubby lost his job.  I don't need to tell you what the economy is like.  Here in Michigan it is especially tough. And the aviation industry has been hit especially hard.  I never mentioned the job loss on my blog, as I try and keep things positive and light, preferring to talk about things like glitter and paint and puppies!  Well, 4 days after losing his job (and our health insurance) , he slipped and fell and injured his knee.  It was a freak accident which required him to have knee surgery.  He actually slipped on a water melon rind.  It's ok, you can laugh!  Though we weren't laughing at the time.  We used to put out water melon rinds out for the raccoons who visit our yard.  Anyway, I'm getting a bit off the subject!   After a long and painful recovery, he just was not able to find work.  Finally he did find a temporary position last month, but of course no benefits, and we have been paying an arm and a leg to buy our own coverage.  If he had not lost his job, he was planning on retiring this fall.

After his initial phone interview with Boeing several weeks ago, I knew in my heart that they would make him an offer.  I was positive, in fact.  And heart sick.  I really, really dreaded the thought of leaving here.  While I know that our home is really just a house with four walls and a roof, it means so much more to me:  security, being close to family, and a safe haven.  Even though I love to travel the world, I am really a home body at heart.  Hubby knows how much all of this means to me, so he even offered to take our motor home out there to live in, and commute home on his days off (we have flying benefits and can fly stand by for free).  And I would live in our house.  Well, some people might be able to make that work, but the reality of it all was really weighing heavily on me.  I just couldn't see living apart.  And I didn't want him to go.  I had a taste of what it would be like, as he had been out of town the last three weeks training for the temporary job that he had been working at.  So to see each other only 1 1/2 days per week at the most was just too hard.  And I knew it would not be good for our relationship.  After many tears, much praying, and soul searching,  I made the very difficult decision to move with him.  I still have not told my mom.  I haven't had the heart to tell her.  I know, here I am telling all of you ladies first!  I know that we can always fly home, and we plan on moving back to Michigan in 3 1/2 years.  And I know that Seattle is not the moon, but it feels like we are moving just as far!

We will try and rent our home here, rather than sell now, as we would take a huge loss.  So we are flying out tomorrow night for a few days to look for a home to rent there.  I've shared my worries and my fears with a few of you, and have been overwhelmed by the love and support that I have received!  And to think that I would not have any of this "support network", if I had not started this blog last spring!  I've not really had the heart to do much blogging lately.  Or the time!  I've been busy sorting thru tings, getting boxes ready for donation, and having meltdowns along the way.  The really good thing is that Boeing will totally take care of our move!  They hire movers who even pack our things!  That is huge!!!  And we have alot of stuff!  I am looking forward to getting back in blogging mode.  I'll still be here on and off, but not on a regular basis, most likely,til we get settled out there.  And then I will be sure to share my little part of the world with you all, and the views out my window!  So thank you for listening to my story.  Just knowing that you are there, and will be there with me, no matter when I end up, means the world to me!!!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Jeanne d'Arc Necklace

Bon Jour Mon Amis!

Today I wanted to show you something amazing that arrived in my mailbox!
A gorgeous Jeanne d'Arc necklace!  My ever so talented friend Cindy did a blog post last week about this necklace, that she was adding to her Etsy shop.  Well, I took one look at it, and knew that I just had to have it!  So I quickly went over to her shop to order it, hoping that no one had beat me to it!
When I found Cindy in my mailbox today (ok, Cindy wasn't actually in my mailbox, but her package was!), I could barely contain myself!  I had to force myself to go and get the camera to snap these photos, before I just tore into the packages!
 Just look at this gorgeous presentation!  I felt like a queen opening everything!  A beautiful tag, a sweet little sheer black organza bag, and rhinestone bling!!  Does it get any better than this?  Oui, Oui!!
 The necklace features some really cool skeleton keys (love!!!), a crown (so me!), and a beautiful Jeanne d'Arc medallion.
 And just look at that tiny little black key!  How adorable is that? Be still, my heart!!! I had a bunch of shopping to do today, so of course I wore my necklace, and I know that I will be wearing this now all of the time!  It is even more gorgeous than the photos!
 And if that wasn't enough, Cindy so generously included this beyond gorgeous tag!  I wish that you could see it in person!  Trust me when I say that it's the prettiest tag ever!!!  Look at those beautiful white roses, they look so real! And I love the neat graphic, the paper, and all of the other embellishments.  Cindy obviously puts alot of love into her work!!
 But wait, there's more!  I was ooohing and ahhing, and almost crying, as I was so touched by Cindy's thoughtfulness to include the extra surprise gifts, not to mention her awesome creativity!  Just get a load of this tag, embellished with an oh so pretty blue flower, that is also a magnetic clip!  The flower is just like a piece of jewelry, and even is glittered, it's so me!!!  And Cindy knows how much I love blue, it's my favorite color!  The tag features a fun graphic, another cool key, cheesecloth, a Paris tag (tres magnifique!), and more jewelry bling!!!

Just look at all of the gorgeous detail that Cindy places on such a small canvas!  Truly amazing!  And Cindy, you are an amazing and talented friend!  So, if you are looking to treat yourself to something extra special, or want to buy a meaningful gift, be sure to check out Cindy's shop, as I know you will be sure to find lots of amazing treasures!  Oh, you can check out Cindy's blog here, too.  If you have never visited, you are in for a treat!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Vintage Crocheted Tablecloth

And other white lovelies!
 Hello Ladies!  It's getting closer to one of my favorite blogging days of the week again, White Wednesday, over at Faded Charm! Where we all can share our love of white, cream, and all shades in between!
So today I wanted to show you my pretty vintage crocheted tablecloth, that I picked up a few years ago at a garage sale.  You might hate me when I tell you a bit later how much I paid for it!!
 It is in near perfect condition, with no rips or tears.  While it is just a tad small for our table, I still really love it!  I've even used it as a pretty Christmas tree skirt!  Can you imagine all of the work involved?  I think it actually may have been made as a coverlet for a double bed.  It would be gorgeous that way, don't you think?
 Here is a close up of some of the detail, as well as a shot of my pretty candlestick holders, also a garage sale find!
 And I just had to share with you my African violet, which has been blooming her heart out!  Isn't she gorgeous?  A fine antidote to one of the coldest, snowiest winters that I can remember in a long time!
 Here's another close up of all of that lovely handiwork.  Can you imagine how long that must have taken?  The woman that I bought it from said that her Aunt had made it many years ago.  I felt a bit sad knowing that she was willing to sell something that her Aunt had obviously put so much of herself into.  And I was shocked to see that she only wanted $5.00 for it!  You read that right, $5.00!  Sold!
 Ok, I hope that you all aren't tired of seeing things that I paint white!  I don't have a before shot of this pretty framed vintage print, but it definitely needed a bit of tlc!  The frame is a plastic Syroco type material, and it looked, well, plasticy when I first spotted it a few weeks ago while out thrifting.  So I couldn't wait to cover the original dingy yellow with a soft shade of cream.  Aaahhh!  Much better!  Look at all of the details of the frame!  You would never guess that it's not made of carved wood!!!
 And I adore this gorgeous mountain and cottage scene.  Wouldn't you love to live there?  I've put this little cutie in my Etsy shop, but I thought I could enjoy it for now, at least!
 So I have her displayed on my hutch on an easel!

 I showed you the "before" of this mirror a few weeks ago.  While I really liked the way it used to look, I bought it to put in my Etsy shop, and knew that she (geez, I guess that I call everything "she"!) would be oh so pretty with a fresh coat of cream paint!  Made of very heavy resin, the frame actually looks like carved wood.
 Look at those beautiful flower!  And below is what she looked like before her makeover!

 And here she is reflecting some pretty candlestick holders that I just painted turquoise.  Ok, I am cheating a bit by showing something turquoise, I know!!!
 And I guess I will close with a last bit of shameless self promotion by mentioning that the candlestick holders are available in my Etsy shop as well!
Happy White Wednesday!!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valetine's Day!!!

Emily says:
Be sure to spend it with the ones you love!!!!!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

More Pedestal Love!

Today I thought I'd share with you my latest pedestal creations.  If you visit here very often, you know that I love, no, make that adore, pedestals!  Why is it that anything up on a pedestal looks more appealing?
 I had so much fun making the two of these!  I am forever on the hunt for pedestal anything, and I must say that sometimes they are very hard to come by!
 So, the one you see here I actually created from found objects!  Can you guess what I made it from?  A large wooden bowl, that has a unique scalloped rim, a neat wooden candlestick, and a wooden base from Michael's!
I painted both of the pedestals cream (of course), and lined the insides with vintage sheet music.
Ok, before I show you more of the one above, I will show you pedestal number two!
This has got to be one of my all time favorite vintgage pedestals that I've discovered!  I'll show you later what she looked like when I first discovered her!  I love all of the interesting curves and angles!!
Again, more of the vintage sheet music treatment, and this beautiful label, compliments of the Graphics Fairy!
And of course that's where I found this pretty French perfume label, below!
Oooh, la, la!
Aaaaah!  I think I am in love!!
Here is what the vintage pedestal looked like.  Still gorgeous, but I must say that I am lovin' her head to toe makeover!!

And I forgot to take a photo of the large pedestal which I created, before I painted her.  So, here she is in her primed state.  Some day in the near future I will do a tutorial on how you can create your very own pedestal from found objects!
 So here is one last look!  Have a fun weekend!